Can't connect to ANY websites, Can ping just fine, strangest problem I've ever seen!

all drivers are now updated as late as I can get them.
I'll just grasp at these straws. I know from painful experience that the "latest" is not always the best or optimal. I've come across machines where only one specific version of a driver will work, later ones will not work. Or possibly a particular targeted version of a driver. Someone alluded to this earlier.

If you're doing a clean install of Windows and allowing it to install it's own drivers, it may well be installing the wrong ones, even though they appear to work and Device Manager says everything is good. Have you made a point of installing drivers from the manufacturer targeted for that model?

And when you've run out of straws to grasp at, my last ditch effort has occasionally worked which is to fire up SDIO, start at the latest and work your way back through every compatible driver, installing each one and testing. Painful but occasionally fruitful.
I originally tried using all the drivers from the Lenovo product page. This didn't help
They are missing chipset drivers entirely for win 10, so I had to get those from intels site.

When none of that worked, after everything else I tried, I went and updated all drivers to latest using driver booster. No luck.

In my opinion, this doesn't seem to be a driver problem. but at this point, anything is possible.

its an issue with TLS I'm pretty sure. just no idea the cause. This is unlike anything I've ever seen. But at this point, I've now spent way too much time on this problem. (1.5 days of my labor, along with my techs time who oroginally looked at the problem, and my partners time to double check that im not a crazy person) I'm about ready to throw in the towel. It's more of me being stubborn and wanting to find a solution, but im not sure one exists. Whatever I charge for this isn't enough, and I'm at the point where even if I did fix it, I'd be worried it comes back and i'd be on the hook for it again.

They'll likely need to replace the computer, and since I don't sell all in ones, will prob have to get that somewhere else unless I can convince them to go with a normal tower and monitor. (I hate all in ones with a passion, and this situation certainly isn't helping that cause)
They are missing chipset drivers entirely for win 10
I would have used the 8.1 drivers.
They'll likely need to replace the computer, and since I don't sell all in ones, will prob have to get that somewhere else unless I can convince them to go with a normal tower and monitor. (I hate all in ones with a passion, and this situation certainly isn't helping that cause)
I feel your pain with AIO's. Hate them as well. I won't budge on those unless I can get a good business class one.
Yeap offer to backup all Data and offer a quote on a new system, not an AIO. Just add existing costing to labour of your techs. Generally I wouldn't spend that much time in a sit such as this. If I cannot fix in an hour done. It is either new system or diagnostic fee of $50.00. They pay you the fee, if they wish they can go elsewhere.

I know they are convenient but are a pain in the yea.
Lenovo's all lenevos from my experience are a pain. Whether AIO, laptop or desktop I avoid them.

I prefer to build my own systems, as I am the creator I know how it works.
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Curious if you’re still working on this one, and if you ever found a resolution. I didn’t see anyone mention playing around with the mtu. I’d try setting it down to 1400 to see if that changes anything.