Client has noticed outgoing emails sent to gmail addresses getting sent to spam

Why not just have the recipient either mark a couple of those messages as "not spam" or, on the Gmail side, in Filters & Blocked Addresses, add a filter of the form:
Matches: from (
Do this: Never send it to Spam

I find that unmarking just a couple of incorrectly categorized messages usually does the trick, but adding a filter is ironclad.
I'm interested in this.

My domain gets:
- red due to No DMARC record found
- orange due to DMARC Quarantine/Reject policy not enabled

Any tips how to remedy this with cPanel hosting?
Any email without correct SPF, DKIM & DMARC is going to have a progressively harder time getting accepted by Google (and others). Once you have the correct DNS records in place, you can test it with (and several other places).

Here is one hoster's instructions for adding DKIM in cpanel, I'm sure your hoster is similar.
Thanks. I found that section in my cpanel email deliverability settings and it says DKIM and SPF are properly configured. I'm not sure why I'm getting "No DMARC Record found" from However gives me a PASS.

I had a customer last week that was having problems sending payslips to some staff members, getting emails bouncing back and all the ones I looked at were to a gmail address. I told them to talk to their email hosting provider. I've learnt something from this thread that might help me solve these issues in future.
I'm not sure why I'm getting "No DMARC Record found"

What is your DMARC record?

Assuming it's there and correctly formed, this sounds like a question for your provider. Present the evidence and see what they say.

I had one last week where it started working when they removed the LinkedIn link from their signature...