[SOLVED] Client's workstation - keeps rebooting at random

BadBoy House

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This one's been giving us a few problems today.

Client workstation. Dropped off to us this morning with the problem of it randomly freezing/rebooting shortly after logging on.

We powered up the machine and sure enough a few minutes after logging on it either restarts, freezes, or freezes with an odd graphics glitch.

It only exhibits the problem in Normal mode - in Safe Mode and Safe Mode with Networking it runs fine.

It's a Windows 7 Pro system. 2GB RAM. AMD Processor. On-board NVIDIA GeForce 6150LE graphics.

We've tried the following:
- different RAM
- different graphics card and VGA mode
- Microsoft memory tester
- All non-Microsoft services disabled
- Different user profile
- Malware Bytes, super anti-spyware checks - nothing found
- Panda Anti Virus scan - nothing found
- No minidump files are created - the option is set to create them. No blue screen.

Just wondered if anyone can suggest anything else?

Here's a photo of the graphics glitch:

Any thing in the event log at all?

No mention of the power supply. That and the caps mentioned above is the first things I would be looking at.
As mentioned above and I've seen this often, not so much OS issue more of a hardware issue. Bulging or leaking caps, and of course the power supply spiking.
If you do not find anything amiss in the hardware then uninstall the driver for the graphics card and force windows to use a generic driver. See if the problem is still there.

If you think its graphic hardware issue then I would pop in a test video card and see how it runs with that.

Think he already tried new vga card. Take a flashlight and check to see if there are any bulging capacitors or anything as suggested. If you don't see any, I would try a known food power supply as suggested. With everything else if you still get lockups, I think I'd test the hard drive using gsmart control. If it tests good, I'd probably suggest motherboard.
Ha. Lol. Yes sometimes I mess up with predictive text on my android. Fairly ingenious that someone took time to put the red bull cans in for the power supply lol. What next mountain dew cans?