I feel I should expand on my post about eating well costing more.
As stated, yes, you will eat less, eating good, overall cost should be about the same.
Overall the costs should be less.
Less food eaten.
Less medical bills/issue
My point was good for you food costs more vs. processed junk food. Not that eating good is going to cost you more.
Just a "food" to "food" comparison.
Processed junk food is made for 1 thing......$$$$.
Good food is made for eating.
My point being a pound of meat for supper is going to cost more than "most", pre-packaged, processed junk.
Not that I have a problem with that, just a simple fact.
"Good" food costs more than "bad" food.
Our system is designed that way to feed massive amounts of people and generate $$$$.
Pre-packaged, processed, junk food was made for convenience and dollars, not your health.
Eat good, eat right, and you will have a better life.
That's worth a couple extra dollars in my book.
Just so we are clear....Good food is where I'm at.
Didn't want you all to think I'm complaining about the cost involved.
Well, actually I am.....................I complain about the cost of everything..........LOL.
Eat on!