For those of you having issues with Win 7 Updates

River Valley Computer

Well-Known Member
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Russellville, AR
In our shop we do a lot of re-imaging of customers' computers using Windows 7 Home Prem. and Professional. The past few months however, after clean installs of Windows 7, windows update fails to find updates no matter what course of action we take to fix it. Each failure usually comes with a different error code each time. This appears to be a common problem with 7 after extensively searching online and through these forums. There are a multitude of different fixes out there and some worked for us; most didn't.

So without further ado, I'm sharing with you all a legitimate *fix (it worked flawlessly on 3 out of 3 fresh Win 7 installs both x86 & x64) we finally found yesterday after hours of scratching our heads:

*Note this has only been tested on freshly CLEAN installs of Win 7 Home Premium & Professional with Service Pack 1! If you don't have Service Pack 1 installed, do so before attempting this.

1) Go here: download the correct bit version, save it somewhere on the PC (I would create a folder on desktop).

2) Save this in the same folder:

3) Disconnect from the internet. If using WiFi, disconnect and make sure to uncheck the "automatically connect to network" box.

4) Reboot. Make sure windows is offline, and install the first file KB3135445. It may take a few minutes. After installation, reboot again.

5) After boot, install the second file. The SUR Tool is a large file and may take much longer than the first one. The progress bar won't show anything for some reason. Patience, Padawan.

6) After SUR install, reboot again. Upon boot, reconnect to the internets and manually check for updates just like you normally would. Your mileage may vary, but ours took a bit to get going. In a few minutes, you should see a notification of some kind down in the toolbar regarding installation of updates, then the Windows Update icon. Success!

Follow these instructions to the T, make sure you have the right files and you should be golden! Any questions or unexpected problems, feel free to ask. This fix was a huuuge relief since we came across the update issues DAILY. Have a nice day :}
Had issue yesterday, dreaded Windows searching for updates ..forever. Tried all the fixes - though not the method OP has posted above in that order - ie disconnect wifi etc. Will try that next time, thanks.

I ended up just using WSUSOffline, ran it for a while then windows finally responded with the normal "Windows has new updates". So ran from there to install misc updates all good :)
Had issue yesterday, dreaded Windows searching for updates ..forever. Tried all the fixes - though not the method OP has posted above in that order - ie disconnect wifi etc. Will try that next time, thanks.

I ended up just using WSUSOffline, ran it for a while then windows finally responded with the normal "Windows has new updates". So ran from there to install misc updates all good :)

I have been doing this for a while now and works every time!
I've got a Win 7 laptop here with this issue so I thought I'd give Rivers method a try.
Step 1 went very quickly, step 2 has been running for over 2 hours and is still 'Searching for updates on this computer'
I will give it another hour and report back.
After 3 1/2 hours Hotfix KB947821 appeared and installed, after which windows update started to work normally.

I changed my new-build process about a year ago because of the Windows Update issues in Win 7. Now, my steps are:
1. Do the actual Windows install
2. Run Snappy to take care of any driver issues (handles 95+% of them)
3. Run WSUS-Offline
4. Activate, if needed
5. Do Windows Update
Have never had a hang on the Windows Update step when doing the above. Do this on all versions of Windows.

After 3 1/2 hours Hotfix KB947821 appeared and installed, after which windows update started to work normally.

Not going to nuke a system to test it, but seems like it might be worth just retrieving that one manually to see if it'll clear the blockage.

We could call it the Fleet hotfix.
Worked here too! I was having problems with a fresh install of Win 7 Home Premium x86 over the last week. Google pointed me in the direction of a few of these KB files, but none worked until I found this thread.

What a mess...

In the past, I have been able to address these issues with WSUS as glricht mentioned, but this works just as well. Nice to have another workaround in the toolkit! :)
I just got a new machine for my grandfather... he had two older machines that are both at least 10 years old at this point.
After trying for an hour to "fix" one of them, and changing a blown power supply I decided I'd just get him a decent used
machine on ebay.

So I land on this nice little Lenovo ThinkCenter M90. Has a nice core i5 CPU, 8GB ram and dedicated graphics. Win 7 pro

Get the machine today, and it's basically a bare bones win 7 pro install.... with no windows updates. So I figure alright, I'll
just do the updates and get the machine ready for him. I download and pre install SP1 myself, that took maybe half an hour
total. I then fire up "automatic updates".... and it searches for updates for well over 2 hours. To "find', download and install
235 or so odd updates took over 5 hours.

If I were doing this for a living, I'd NEVER update a windows machine this way. That's just plain insanity. I'm sure there are
more, at least 40 or so more. I have heading for half a day of "waiting time" to get this machine ready. The windows update
system needs serious improvements. Lets not even get started about the SVCHOST issue....
I hit nearly 400 updates with the machine I was talking about earlier in this post.

Between windows 7 Pro and office 2010 I hit nearly 400 updates! AFTER SP1!

I'd venture to say the ole "searching for updates" screen got a good 5 or so hours worth
of screen time and then installing the updates a good solid 2-3 hours as well.

Nearly 8 hours of "waiting" time on a machine with 8GB ram, and a decent intel core i5

I'll have to give what nline suggested a try. This is pure insanity. I have no idea why they
do not put out SP2.... espeically for as many years as they plan to support win 7. I can't
imagine it would be that difficult.