For those of you having issues with Win 7 Updates

We find the best way is to use image installs with most of the updates already included. If is just behind 20 or so, it goes quick.

If that is not something you want to do, the following method usually works well. Let it check for a while(they seem to be downloading in the background), then just shut down, it will usually install most of them at that point,
I WISH I could update the image. I'm the 'on ground liaison' for our corporate IT folk (they're based out of town, and it gives me some extra experience to add to the ole resume).

For whatever reason, they have way too much trouble setting up images to deploy. Instead of fixing it, they gave me a USB with 3 old images on it to use. The newest image isn't even for the right HP model, so I have to install the damned network driver manually just to get it online.
I'm creating new images to capture for reloads on a VM and 3135445 is taking ages. I've disabled the network adapter, restarted, and ran 3135445 and its been "Searching for updates on this computer..." for 15 minutes now. Not sure if its stuck or supposed to take a long time?

EDIT: Derp, nevermind. I just cancelled it, restarted again, and it installed in like 15 seconds.
The closest thing to a service pack 2 for Windows 7 is this hotfix rollup.

If you are doing a fresh install you Install Windows 7, then install the SP1(if not already slipstreamed), then you install KB2775511, then install IE11, and then the WSUS Feb Patch KB3135445:
Those steps will get you 90% of the way to a fully patched install.
I can't see the download link on this page. Any ideas?
I need to clean it up (and add SP1 just in case of system restores), but I went ahead and just pulled most of the hotfixes here onto a flash drive, numbered them in order, and will keep them around for the next little while. I expect that to save me at least a few hours over the next few months.
I started a WSUS install last night but stages keep hanging. I will run it again tonight and leave it going but may have to try some steps mentioned on here if the machine wont play ball.
If you are doing a fresh install you Install Windows 7, then install the SP1(if not already slipstreamed), then you install KB2775511, then install IE11, and then the WSUS Feb Patch KB3135445:

Just did a fresh install of Win7 SP1, then downloaded KB2775511. That update contains 2 things - an EXE file, and an MSU file. Ran the MSU and now I've had this little window on the screen for 2 hours called the Windows Update Standalone Installer, and the message is "Searching for updates on this computer". I ran the EXE initially, but it didn't seem to do anything. Which one of these files is the one to run?
an the MSU and now I've had this little window on the screen for 2 hours called the Windows Update Standalone Installer, and the message is "Searching for updates on this computer"

I did the same thing the other day and it did take quite a while. You may be able to see if it's doing anything by looking at %windir%\windowsupdate.log in Notepad and checking the timestamps at the end of the file.
It is a service pack if not in name. It's big. 20 minutes on a good computer. Longer on crap. May have better luck installing the Windows update patch first.
In our shop we do a lot of re-imaging of customers' computers using Windows 7 Home Prem. and Professional. The past few months however, after clean installs of Windows 7, windows update fails to find updates no matter what course of action we take to fix it. Each failure usually comes with a different error code each time. This appears to be a common problem with 7 after extensively searching online and through these forums. There are a multitude of different fixes out there and some worked for us; most didn't.

So without further ado, I'm sharing with you all a legitimate *fix (it worked flawlessly on 3 out of 3 fresh Win 7 installs both x86 & x64) we finally found yesterday after hours of scratching our heads:

*Note this has only been tested on freshly CLEAN installs of Win 7 Home Premium & Professional with Service Pack 1! If you don't have Service Pack 1 installed, do so before attempting this.

1) Go here: download the correct bit version, save it somewhere on the PC (I would create a folder on desktop).

2) Save this in the same folder:

3) Disconnect from the internet. If using WiFi, disconnect and make sure to uncheck the "automatically connect to network" box.

4) Reboot. Make sure windows is offline, and install the first file KB3135445. It may take a few minutes. After installation, reboot again.

5) After boot, install the second file. The SUR Tool is a large file and may take much longer than the first one. The progress bar won't show anything for some reason. Patience, Padawan.

6) After SUR install, reboot again. Upon boot, reconnect to the internets and manually check for updates just like you normally would. Your mileage may vary, but ours took a bit to get going. In a few minutes, you should see a notification of some kind down in the toolbar regarding installation of updates, then the Windows Update icon. Success!

Follow these instructions to the T, make sure you have the right files and you should be golden! Any questions or unexpected problems, feel free to ask. This fix was a huuuge relief since we came across the update issues DAILY. Have a nice day :}
If this doesn't work, there's also the Windows Update troubleshooter, which has worked sometimes for me. It can be executed from Tech Tool Store or UVK.
Our quick fix...for brand new rigs we're unbuckling...just adds 5 minutes to it, and then they all fly in quick.
2x downloads..
Disable windows automatic updates, then reboot
Run KB3020369-X64.msu 1st takes about 2 minutes
Then run KB3172605-X64.msu 2nd takes about 3 minutes, restart the workstation
Then try to scan for updates (took about 15minutes and 369 updates became available
Here is another way to fully update a new win7 build:
That's about the same as I posted above it...except they added a 3rd KB download/install. We're doing the same with just the two I mentioned.

And actually don't need to disable the windows update service...I just did an Optiplex 380 rebuild (new SSD)...didnt' disable..just installed those first 2 KBs..rebooted...(took just about 1 minute total for both)...let it sniff for about 5-7 minutes..and a crapload of updates showed up and are now downloading/installed.

So just those first 2 KBs...done!
And actually don't need to disable the windows update service...I just did an Optiplex 380 rebuild (new SSD)...didnt' disable..just installed those first 2 KBs..rebooted...(took just about 1 minute total for both)...let it sniff for about 5-7 minutes..and a crapload of updates showed up and are now downloading/installed.

So just those first 2 KBs...done!

Thanks for this. Worked great.

On a couple of machines I found that only the second update was needed (KB3172605-X64.msu) because the first update was already installed. Like you say, no need to stop the WU service either.