Fun new problem with laser printers & Windows 11


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Pittsburgh, PA - USA
We ran into this today. This was a Brother laser printer, and every few hours, it would print out a page with the following text:


Here is a page on Brother's website talking about the problem and with suggested fix (that didn't work, btw).

here are a couple forum threads with posts as of a few days ago: 1, 2

Seems like an unresolved bug in windows 11 with some laser printers that are connected via USB. According to some user reports ink printers and printers connected via WiFi seem unaffected.

For our customer, we ended up just recommending they power off the printer when not using it until this is fixed. Not a great outcome.

Just head's up, I guess.
...that are connected via USB...

I found the problem. Seriously, no one tests USB connectivity for these devices anymore, because they've all been network / wifi enabled for almost two decades. That's the fix, get it off USB!
Actually, I still prefer USB connections for home printers when possible. By far the most stable. WiFi for printers is way too flaky.
True, but it's also vastly less supported. There isn't a printer manufacturer on the planet that tests the USB side of their software well anymore.

Easier to fix the wifi!

While I find that WiFi connectivity for printers to be pretty stable, there are plenty of times where direct by USB makes way more sense.

I, too, still use USB connection to a printer frequently.