Gateway MX6650 keeps freezing


New Member
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Cumberland, MD
I don't know very much about fixing computers, but I have a friend that insisted on me fixing his laptop. He has a Gateway MX6650 with Microsoft Windows Media Center Edition 2005. He said the laptop wouldn't power up. I looked at it and saw that where the power cord connected to the laptop was loose/broken. I took a bunch of screws off and noticed that where the power cord plugs in was in-fact broken off of the motherboard. He wanted me to find and install a new motherboard, so I did.

After installing the new motherboard the laptop powered up. After about one minute into Windows the laptop froze. I powered it down and back up, but it just kept freezing. I booted into safe mode and it did not freeze. I tried a bunch of things and nothing seemed to work. Sometimes it froze before Windows even booted up, other times it'd boot up and freeze within about two minutes. I used an Ultimate Boot CD for Windows and it didn't freeze. One time it didn't freeze on me too fast so I installed AVG Free and updated the virus definitions and ran a scan. After about three and a half hours of not freezing, the scan found two trojans and I thought it was finally fixed. It was late and I was tired so I went to shut down the laptop and it froze.:(

The next day I tried to do a few things but it kept freezing. I used the UBCD for Windows and copied all his important files to usb. I tried to use his Gateway system recovery cd/dvd but, it keeps freezing. Sometimes earlier than other times. I've tried to use my own Windows XP Pro disc to reformat and do a clean install of windows, but it just keeps freezing.:confused:

While typing this, I did a chkdsk (again) and again it said it found a bad something and fixed it. I used my Windows XP Pro disc to delete the partition, then rebooted to his Gateway system recovery cd/dvd. It did it's thing and restarted. Now it says "Welcome to Microsoft Windows" (I've been here before), clicked next to continue, "Select Your System Settings" (region, language, and type of keyboard), next, "What time zone are you in?", next, "The End User License Agreement", (Yes, I accept) next, "Help protect your PC", next, "What's your computer name?", next, FROZE!!!:mad:

I've done that a few times now and it freezes at different times but during the same steps. Like, after the last freeze, I restarted and it continued from where it left off. I clicked on next and it didn't freeze. The next step asked for an administrative password, I clicked next and it froze. I restarted and it continued from where it left off and the next step asked "Who will use this computer?". I typed my friends name in and clicked next. Says "Thank You! Congratulations, you're ready to go!", before i clicked finish, it froze. Restarted and clicked finish, it froze again. Restarted and a message poped up saying "The system is not fully installed. Please run setup again". Clicked OK and it rebooted, the same message poped up again.:confused:

I don't know what to do. I know what I want to do - throw the laptop out into the strret and call my friend to come and get it.:mad:

Any ideas of what I can do to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.:)
This is not a forum for people looking for help. I saw your intro and you had a short time job repairing computers in the past but you are not a technician and you are not starting a computer repair business.

You should try over here:

That is the best place for getting help like you need.
Sorry, I thought... nevermind, Sorry.

I'm not a technician but I'd like to be one. Problems like this and comments like yours is discouraging and makes me think I shouldn't even try. Thanks and sorry.
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I'm not a technician but I'd like to be one. Problems like this and comments like yours is discouraging and makes me think I shouldn't even try. Thanks and sorry.

Yeah, blame me for you not following the rules. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself go to the forum I suggested and ask there. We get tons of regular people asking for help and this is not that kind of a forum. You knew that when you signed up.
This is not a forum for people looking for help. I saw your intro and you had a short time job repairing computers in the past but you are not a technician and you are not starting a computer repair business.

You should try over here:

That is the best place for getting help like you need.

I found the problem! I called the place where I bought the motherboard from and said I wanted to return the motherboard before my 30 day warranty expired. I explained the problem I was having and the guty said I'd have to pay for the shipping. He said he'd send me a new motherboard and test the one I sent back. So, after work today I took the motherboard out of the laptop so I can return it and I installed the old one. I figured the old one had a bad power connector but the battery is now charged. I booted the laptop up, finished the windows installation from where it left off and it rebooted into windows, no problem. I shut down the laptop and when my girlfriend came in the room I booted it back up to show her. It boot into windows just fine- did not freeze. That tells me it was a bad motherboard. I feel so much better now that I finally found out what the problem was. Thanks for all the help.