Geek Squad Case Study

I just finished listening to his presentation and wow. I'm big on taking notes and I found myself jotting down a lot of points in regards to the creativity and marketing aspect of the business, what to do and what not to do.

Mushin: Thanks for sharing this with the TN family, very much appreciated!
I just finished listening to his presentation and wow. I'm big on taking notes and I found myself jotting down a lot of points in regards to the creativity and marketing aspect of the business, what to do and what not to do.

Mushin: Thanks for sharing this with the TN family, very much appreciated!

Actually it was not me that put it up. But... thanks :D
I hate to say this but Compusa, the hell hole i used to work for, was the same when it came to ripping off people. I think Compusa pioneered ripping customers off when it came to computer repairs. The techs that I worked with where the best and cared about the customer. However the managers and the higher ups where all about the all mighty dollar and not about the customer. Same is true for the big retail tech chains, its all about the money and the customers.

We care about the customer, which is why I believe we all will succeed in our businesses :)