[REQUEST] How to supersize picture thumbnails?


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Northern Michigan
Got my client, an insurance claims adjuster, to upgrade to a Dell 27"4K monitor. He takes a lot of pictures for the insurance companies and needs the thumbnails to be massive when he is browsing his SD card in File Explorer. He has the resolution set to 1600 x 900 because they are too small when the monitor is in 4K even with them set to the max size. It looks like crap lol. The scaling has to be increased too much to get the thumbnails to be large enough.

I have been Googling this and what I gather is that he needs a File Explorer alternative such as Files. Also, Microsoft PowerToy was suggested.

I am not seeing any options or lists of features regarding increasing the thumbnail sizes beyond the Windows limit.

What to do?
Maybe he's talking about preview thumbnails when he has a folder open in Explorer. I know if macOS I can change that and do it all the time when I'm sorting work photos. Change to folder view to icon, then go to View>Show View Options. Move the slider a good bit to the right. That applies to just that folder. I do remember Windows having an icon size adjustment but the option I used was for everything because of customer eyesight issues.