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oldtech, rather childish response don't you think? I found what appeared to be a vigorous thread on the topic, and justified concern in what this company was doing, so WHY wouldnt I join in?
Perhaps YOUR role on this site is simply to Troll others and post immature statements.
When a company builds up a software package and promotes the use of it at given rates, they also have a responsibility to keep rate hikes within reason, especially considering the upheaval it causes users to move off a given platform and the minuscule cost involved to keep users when scaling up.
You should really stick to topics you know something about and leave the controversial items to people who know what they are talking about and most importantly have the experience to intelligently comment on.
Not interested in comparing epeen sizes with you or experience or any other measure you seem compelled to bring up, but you come on here blasting a vendor like a petulant 6 year old (resurrecting an year old thread in the process) and then have the audacity to insult me because of my obviously sarcastic response? If that makes me a troll then a troll I am - good luck too you on whatever point you are trying to make but I suspect it has been made more eloquently before. Nice personal attack btw.