M365 - Meeting invites sent from Zoom not appearing in Outlook calendar


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Pittsburgh, PA - USA
I hate stuff like this. Client has employee who sends meeting invites from the Zoom app. The invite is received and accepted by all recipients, but never shows in the employee's calendar. This is an intermittent problem, but regular. The meeting ends up in the Local Failures folder under Synchronization Issues. Looking at the synchronization log, I see this entry every minute since the invitation was sent:

8:59:00 Synchronizer Version 16.0.17628
8:59:00 Synchronizing Mailbox 'Melanie'
8:59:00 Synchronizing local changes in folder 'Calendar'
8:59:00 Uploading to server 'https://outlook.office365.com/mapi/emsmdb/?MailboxId=6d3e'
8:59:01 Error synchronizing message 'Gwen's Estimate Review - Martini +Grandview'
8:59:01 [8004010F-501-8004010F-320]
8:59:01 The client operation failed.
8:59:01 Microsoft Exchange Information Store
8:59:01 For more information on this failure, click the URL below:
8:59:01 https://www.microsoft.com/support/prodredirect/outlook2000_us.asp?err=8004010f-501-8004010f-320
8:59:01 Moved a message that failed synchronization to 'Local Failures'. Message subject -> 'Gwen's Estimate Review - Martini + Grandview'. You can view this message in your offline folder only.
8:59:01 Done

Employee has a lot of data in email, so we had them do some cleanup, then we recreated the Outlook profile without cache mode enabled, but the issue persists. We've also done an uninstall and reinstall of Zoom.

So maybe Zoom is doing something when creating the invite that Exchange doesn't like? I really don't know where to go from here - digging into the error only finds things related to Outlook 2013 and 2010 - our guy is using M365, so has the latest desktop install of Outlook. Zoom is up to date as well. The toggle to sync with Outlook IS enabled in Zoom, and it obviously works sometimes.
The invite is just an email, accepting it means firing off automation, and yes... Zoom sucks in this regard. I despise the platform.

I've had the same issue with my Google account. The problem is there is no standard meeting invite, and each ecosystem has their own automation. There is nothing you can do to fix it. The employee just has to watch the process and verify the appointment was created.

Also, get off Outlook Classic, use Pre. It helps in this regard.
The employee just has to watch the process and verify the appointment was created.

Ok, thanks for confirming what I thought. Frustrating.

Also, get off Outlook Classic, use Pre. It helps in this regard.

We haven't even started looking at Pre in any real fashion. I'll start thinking about it when they remove the "Pre" label. I've seen enough rollouts in my day to know the wisdom of avoiding being first in line for any software revision.
Ok, thanks for confirming what I thought. Frustrating.

We haven't even started looking at Pre in any real fashion. I'll start thinking about it when they remove the "Pre" label. I've seen enough rollouts in my day to know the wisdom of avoiding being first in line for any software revision.
In this case that's not appropriate.

Outlook PRE is a custom web browser instance aimed at OWA. It does OWA things, and since it's all online there is no local cache to muck with. This breaks all 3rd party integration that doesn't appropriately use M365 API calls, as they should have been doing 10 years ago...

My point is, it's not "new" in the sense that the primary functionality has been well proven over decades. Because again, it's OWA in a window on your endpoint, saying it's "new" would mean to imply that OWA is "new", which it clearly isn't.

My larger point is, Microsoft is ACTIVELY WORKING ON PRE, and they have abandoned Classic. Classic is more broken every single day, and it's only a matter of time before all users are impacted. Meanwhile PRE just works, unless you have some stupid old application that needs Outlook... think old versions of Quickbooks here. THAT is the larger issue, is dealing with the integrations that Outlook Classic has made available via various means for decades. The app itself is fine, works perfectly. Getting everything else to play nice with it? That's... the hard part. And perhaps it doesn't work today for your user, you won't know until you try.

And again, Outlook PRE is better about this specific issue. So if you want to fix your user's workflow, PRE is the easiest pathway to do it.