I did ask and she said she will sent out group emails from 20- to 130 people at a time. I am not sure that would even factor in. Thanks for any help.
Not sure your country of origin, but if they are of anything marketing, and not following standard practices, they will get blacklisted pretty quick. I'm surprised Google hasn't flat out banned her from the platform.
Obviously, you would have to see the whole story, but if she's bulk sending, good chance it will be because she is being viewed as spamming. All it takes is 1 or 2 people clicking 'Spam' to trigger it, especially if there is not an automated unsubscribe mechanism.
My experience, is that even though hosted by Google, it treats each domain much like a Microsoft tenant and scores its behaviour based on it. EVERY time someone has told me their Google/Google Workspace emails are bouncing, account lock-out, etc, and they "Don't know why!", almost every instance has been not following CAN-SPAM Act in the US, or CASL for Canada.
End of the day, the keyword is "20-130 people at a time" -- This action will net you no good experience. Recommend to her to be using something like MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, or similar platform, even if just mailing out family newsletters in bulk. It will help with compliance and won't risk your actual domain to being permanentally blacklisted (I know one domain that Microsoft has 100% blacklisted and act and claim it isn't, but when they finally let me see their history, massive amount of spams and 3 email compromises.)
The 100 limit, BTW, comes from Gmail/Microsoft agreeing that 100 per hour per email address is plenty reasonable for most users. If you read on setting up your own email server and Gmail/Microsoft's recommended limits, they detail a bit more about it (But let me tell you, you push that 100 limit frequently and the emails look like the same general content, you will still get blacklisted, like, fast.)
it is not on any of the of those lists. I will stil check SPF, DKIM, and DMarc
I can tell you, blacklist checker is only good for when they THINK it might be by accident. If they think it is intentional and/or malicious, they don't even post it there. I know Microsoft doesn't. And I was pretty sure Google Workspace told you if you had your SPF/DKIM/DMARC wrong.