Memtest86+ vs Memtest86


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King's Lynn, UK
Which is the best memory tester?

Memtest86+ or Memtest86? Or something else?

Memtest86+ does not work with UEFI.
Also I find it a little unreliable with higher end systems, it can hang or crash.
The SMP feature is experimental and temperamental.

Memtest86 automatically supports SMP.
Memtest86 works with UEFI.

But which is best at finding errors or are they the same?
Any other tools to recommend?
I normally use memtest plus too, however I only use it when testing PCs for sale, if I suspect a RAM fault on a clients machine I will simply swap the RAM far quicker.
Memtest+ v5.01 is what I use for everything! However I generally test memory out of units in a different computer all-together.

More info found here:

We have been using both and we have not found that one was more accurate than the other so far. However. Memtest86+ does hang sometimes and Memtest86 sometimes freaks out and spits out gibberish instead of running the test. That said, I also have not found many failures with either diagnostic, so it is kind of hard to judge.

The fact that Memtest86 supports UEFI is huge for us, so lately, we have been using it more and more.

As for the testing memory out of the original system, this is fine for testing the memory only, but this will not help if there is an issue with the slot, which we see almost as often as bad memory.
never had any problems.

But I also use UXD Ultra-x's built in memory test.