Microsoft is simply never going to learn you can't name everything "Outlook" and . . .


Well-Known Member
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Staunton, VA
. . . you can't use the phrase "new Out for Windows," when you mean New Outlook [UI over M365] and not have people utterly confused. Outlook for Windows has been what Microsoft has been calling the replacement for the Windows 10/11 Mail, People, and Calendar apps pretty consistently. Recently, they had seemed to have settled on "Outlook Classic" to mean the traditional installed versions in-support with the classic ribbon UI, and "New Outlook" to refer to the "skin" that goes over Outlook Classic that has the same look and feel (at this time) as Outlook for Windows does.

This article is what floors me, because it's clearly talking about New Outlook and the addition of "for Windows" as opposed to "under Windows" or "on Windows" to avoid confusion to the extent possible (which isn't great to begin with) is just plain dumb: New Outlook for Windows: A Guide to Product Availability

I've also gotta love the comments section, as I could have written any one of a number of things mentioned there that Microsoft seems to be blithely ignoring while whistling past the graveyard and kicking the can at the same time!

God forbid they actually get rid of Outlook Classic in 2029 at the pace this mess is going!
How is the Outlook looking?

Couldn't resist.

We've had:

Outlook Express
Windows Mail

Why not just call it Bob's Mail? A fresh new name.
Outlook Classic Support Until At Least 2029 - Microsoft Community

The way things are going at the moment, and the speed at which they're going (which is hyperdrive for pushing our crap previews and making those generally available, glacial pace for getting the serious power-user Outlook features into New Outlook) I suspect that 2029 date may end up being extended.

If what is New Outlook at the moment were to become "the only choice" in the business world in the very near term there would be so many jumping ship you couldn't count them. The way Microsoft is handling everything Outlook these days makes me think that numerous someones involved have entirely taken leave of their senses.
I'm not nearly as confused about this as I am with the amount of work my clients require to migrate outside of classic Outlook. I have helped many in the past two months, most focused on this end goal. These requests are 2-10 hours in time. I'm still working on my entire onboarding and it's extensive. If anyone wants to see this monster, message me. I'm still working on it based on the people I have helped just recently. I do normal migrations all the time but these are much bigger, more challenging and complex af.
How is the Outlook looking?

Couldn't resist.

We've had:

Outlook Express
Windows Mail

Why not just call it Bob's Mail? A fresh new name.

Don't forget
But sorry you can't sign-in there. You have a business subscription so need to use which looks identical.