My Flyer has gone to press! + a good company to use in the UK

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Essex. UK
After a week of design & redesigning I have finally created an A5 flyer.

The text didn't take to long at all, after reading a few good flyer design tactics I came to the conclusion that it needed to be simple, to the point and attractive to look at.

Getting the colours that I wanted was real a pain though as my original choice which was more vibrant where not in the CMYK gamut. I feel that I have got the best that I can though.

Anyway, here it is, let me know what you think please.


I want 5000 to start with and looked locally at first for a print company, one quoted me £295 (150gsm glossy). I thought this was a lot considering that I had created the art work myself.

Finally, and great for anyone else that is in England, I found a store online called, who are based near brighton. Impressed by their prices the first thing I done was phone them to make sure it was a legit company.

I got put though to a guy called Jeff, who advised me & asked me for my pdf of the flyer and then sent a proof back (very trusting I feel) which he had tweak to make it look better!

Finally, the price:

5000 A5 flyers 150gsm glossy (single sided)

£115 delivered (5 days) including VAT! A massive difference in price!

I now look forward to receiving them and will let you know if the quality is up to standard. :)
Nice Price!

Let us know the quality when they arrive, sounds real promising if they come up with the goods!

Nice flyer too btw, very clean and simple, and great use of icons imho. pretty much instantly recognisable. well done. :)
Here is my flyer is written in spanish, sorry. Im currently printing it on B&W. But im planning on making a new one to print it on full color.


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Here is my flyer is written in spanish, sorry. Im currently printing it on B&W. But im planning on making a new one to print it on full color.

I just noticed that you worked for Circuit City. I did not know that they had one in Puerto Rico.

I speak Spanish and I thought about doing a flier in Spanish to attract the Spanish speaking folks. I am pretty fluent but since I have been here for a long time there are some words that I need to look up like "redes" the first things I thought was a net but I looked it up and I see that it means network.

Maybe I should just make one and have my mom proof read it (she teaches Spanish).

Cool flier though
I just noticed that you worked for Circuit City. I did not know that they had one in Puerto Rico.

I speak Spanish and I thought about doing a flier in Spanish to attract the Spanish speaking folks. I am pretty fluent but since I have been here for a long time there are some words that I need to look up like "redes" the first things I thought was a net but I looked it up and I see that it means network.

Maybe I should just make one and have my mom proof read it (she teaches Spanish).

Cool flier though

Yeah, Puerto Rico had 3 Circuit City, my store was the youngest in the whole company, inaguration day was Nov 6, 08 and liquidation was announced Jan 15 09
Nice, its always good to shop around! Great ad as well nice Windows touch, easy to read and direct to the point. :)

With these flyers are you going to post them yourself or get them out in a free local newspaper?

Post myself but I have just been advised that I can not use the Windows logo due to it being copyright! :(

Your flyer rocks.
I feel like clicking on the text when I look at it on my screen.

Windows logo may be a problem, but if you have any Microsoft Certifications, you may use those logos. You are entitled to.
I like this flyer a lot because it has the feeling XP all over it, giving your leads a great feeling to start out with before they even call you. You're gonna be booked hard after you spread these things around town! Very nice! :]
I am not surprised about the Windows logo stuff. They are very protective.

Where did you get the other icons used in the image? They are very nice.

Great flyer. I am using it as inspiration for an Ad I am trying to make.
The icons, most I have had on my computer for ages, I'll dig them out though as I know 2 had an agreement already in that anyone could use them.

2 others, I had to get permission from.
Yeah, I thought you had a collection that were free for commercial use and those are hard to find. I have seen some of the icons before on other things, but I can't recall where.

The free icon packs I do know of, don't have those type of icons in your Ad, or even that large.
Many thanks MM.

The site seems down for me at the moment so I will bookmark it and try it out later.

In my travels I found this website which is supposed to have Icon sets that are free for commercial use and require no attribution
Many thanks MM.

The site seems down for me at the moment so I will bookmark it and try it out later.

In my travels I found this website which is supposed to have Icon sets that are free for commercial use and require no attribution

nice find, had a quick look on the website and its perfect for i am looking for, icons that i can use for my website and leaflet. nice one again
I agree, a nice find. many thanks for sharing the link.

I am in the process of creating a icon/logo similar to the windows logo but different enough that Microsoft cannot complain, but people will be able to relate to it.

When I have finished it, I'll post it for feedback.
Colour to black/white tbh I have not taken into consideration as I am doing this for web design & flyers.

You have a good point though & I am sure it can be adjusted to convert well to b/w.

I will post very shortly what I have come up with. I would appreciate honest criticism.
Here is a colour version of what I have come up with.

Sorry if it is rather large but this is designed for 300dpi (prepress). RGB though, unsure what CMYK will come out like (Edit: CMYK is actually quite good imo).

Again, honest criticism will be appreciated.

This is a case of if it is good enough, similar to but also different to the Windows logo & you would like to use it then I will be more than happy to allow Technibble members who can prove they are computer technicians to use it.

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