Odd user profile issue


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Geelong, Victoria, Australia
I'm having an issue with one clients user profile with Windows. It has just recently started that the profile in \users\ gets set to hidden and some read only. I understand that there is usually some read only attributes in there however something is amiss at the moment.

This is a local AD server not linked with Intune

Time line of events
about a month ago we renamed the user from XXXX to YYYY along with the profile name.
I got a call last week about the user couldn't access Outlook, it would constantly flicker to the MS authenticator screen so fast you could work out what it was unless you've seen in 1000's of times. Their Office license was retail.
I thought a permissions thing so change the user the a local admin, still not resolved,
Online repair Office, still not resolved, new issue of product key needed, lets get back to this
Tried a different account and authenticator is working, ok something with the profile
Looked at the c:\users\ and it's not listed, it's hidden. un hide it and un tick read only as well.
yay it opens Outlook, still need a product key or license but will work for a couple of days.
It worked Thursday and Friday, customer trying to find the account that has the product keys in it to activate it. (A previous tech set these up).
Got a call this morning saying they can't get the product key to work so I upgraded their M365 account to include Office, done.
got another call later that it had gone back to constantly flickering up the authenticator, go and have a look the and the c:\users profile is hidden again, un hide and un read only and the profile works again.

Do you think this is due to the Group policy for folder redirection? If so first time I've seen it happen, that I can remember.

I was just going to blow away the local profile and start fresh but wondering if there might be another way.