Snappy Driver Installer is dead.

I said to patrons that the campaign will go on and all funding will go to SamLab.
I can afford to give up my share but he became too depended on that money. I should have never tried to close the Patreon campaign.
I'll stay with the project till some else takes over and only then I can move on.
As for fabs, I'm not familiar with the software but if someone here knows the developer personally, I'd like them to explain the situation to the developer, so that he could evaluate whether he can take over the development of SDI and whether their business model is compatible with SDI. If there's an interest, I can provide further details in a conversation over Skype.
I pledged $20/month to your Patreon page. If only 10 more people did this, we'd reach the minimum goal. Come on people. You pay for a subscription to lots of different tools. Isn't the time you save worth the $20/month?
And your point? One minute he is quitting, the next he's not, his partner pretends to be him on Facebook, his patreon account is for him now its for the driver package guy. None of whom I have real name for, who could vanish overnight. Sorry, I'm going to pass for now.
And your point? One minute he is quitting, the next he's not, his partner pretends to be him on Facebook, his patreon account is for him now its for the driver package guy. None of whom I have real name for, who could vanish overnight. Sorry, I'm going to pass for now.
The whole situation sucks, especially since the product is great.
And your point? One minute he is quitting, the next he's not, his partner pretends to be him on Facebook, his patreon account is for him now its for the driver package guy. None of whom I have real name for, who could vanish overnight. Sorry, I'm going to pass for now.

I don't know. I think what they're asking for to keep the service alive is reasonable. For the amount of time it saves us here in the shop, I would pay $200/month. It just seems ridiculous to me that so many computer business owners use this program, but it can't raise a measly $400/month. Especially when I hear of how many of you are blowing money on monthly subscriptions for Office 365 and remote support software when there are one time purchase alternatives out there for less than the cost of 1 month of a subscription.

I guess what they say is true. If you don't charge for software and instead ask for donations, nobody pays. Greed is human nature, but if you want a service to survive you have to give a little. ~80 supporters and only $200/month raised? That means the average supporter is paying less than $3/month. It wasn't worth my time to sign up for Patreon if I was only going to give $3/month. Why bother? $3 barely buys a burrito at a fast food joint nowadays.

Hey, I get it. A lot of people are doing this part time and barely scraping buy. But for those of us with real shops making tens of thousands a month, $20 is like $1.

I don't know about the internal politics going on with the creators of SDI and the guy that makes the driver packs, nor do I care. I just want the project to continue. Especially with Windows 10 not allowing you to select individual drivers to be installed, SDI is a lifesaver.
what.. wait, what?!

Wow... what a thread. What a hot mess mix up of craziness.

There are plenty of people out there who can / would support this.

As @BadPointer said, a true developer is a developer. You learn to solve problems,
you learn low level concepts... design patterns, data structures, software life cycles,
efficiency, algorithms, discrete math. A true developer can develop in any language.

Sure some have higher learning curves than others, and some people naturally take
better to some for whatever reason.

The way this has all unfolded could easily put doubt into any potential backers....

Maybe you can find some volunteers that would be willing to contribute to the project.
I was supporting this until Yesterday and I withdrew my contribution. I want to see how this settles out a bit before I recommit to it. I expect SDI will be gone by next month. I hope I am wrong and I really don't think money is the issue here. If someone can threaten this guy and cause him to panic then he can be threatened again. That is why I can't support this right now.
It was a third party that fueled the recent feud between SDI and DPS by coordinating attacks on both projects. Things got messy real quick. Since SamLab is making driverpacks for both projects, he found himself in an awkward position. At some point I decide that my resignation would defuse the situation.

The attacks ended, we agreed to coexist. The unfortunate consequences: damaged reputation due to poor handling of the situation, I'm now actively looking for someone else to pick up the project so that I can move on, SamLab is still very depended on Patreon campaign(he doesn't get as much from his own campaign on his website).

He released 20 updated driverpacks yesterday and they're available for download from SDI.