Supremo -free for business use.

+1 for Ammyy Admin! I just wish Windows Defender and some AV programs didn't alert on it or automatically quarantine it. That's why I install it and make sure it runs without problem on all my customers' PCs when I visit.
Ammyy 3.1 is currently giving me 0 out of 46 on virustotal.

You can also pack older versions of Ammy with something like Asprotect with resource protection enabled. I found it lowers the number of false positives.
Thanks for that. Just scanned 3.0 and Kaspersky and Microsoft were the only ones to flag it as a remote support agent (not.a.virus). None of the 46 or so flagged v3.1 as anything. Strangely, I did a session today and Norton Internet Security quarantined it, even though Virus Total results for Symantec were null on that version. So, I just used to guide the user into disabling NIS so I could create an exception.

It was free few years ago, I used it a lot. Had some problems with Vista, othervise no problems.

I think its based on RealVnc and SingleClick platform.
I have a permissions issue with Supremo

I'm trying to implement Supremo on a windows AD domain. When someone other than an admin tried to run it, the load fails. W7 prompts for an admin account. XP just fails, saying that they don't have the rights. I've tried to give "Domain Users" full security rights to the executable, but that doesn't work.

Any ideas?

Hank Arnold (MVP)
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I have used supremo in a pinch. It works ok, it' slow but it works. Doesn't have safe mode or anything like that. But, it's free.