Thanks Amazon, that's really helpful :/


Well-Known Member
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Kent, United Kingdom
Me to Amazon Customer Support:

"5 Port HDMI Switch Switcher Splitter 3D 5 in1 1080p 5 HD INPUT 1 OUTPUT for PS3 / Xbox 360 (slim) / Sky HD / Freesat HD / Virgin + / Bluray player / D
Comments: I purchased the above HDMI switch from you on Friday. A few seconds after plugging the mains adapter for this switch in, it (the mains adapter) blew with a muffled POP!, damaging one of the (only) two HDMI ports on my Panasonic TV which I got last Christmas. :(

I bought the switch because I needed more than two HDMI inputs to the TV and now I'm afraid to get another one in case my last remaining HDMI port gets damaged.

What happens in cases like this where your customer's equipment is damaged by something purchased from yourselves? "

Amazon to Me:


I'm sorry to hear about the problems you had to face with the item "5 Port HDMI Switch Switcher Splitter 3D 5 in1 1080p 5 HD INPUT 1 OUTPUT for PS3 / Xbox 360 (slim) / Sky HD / Freesat HD / Virgin + / Bluray player / D".

Further to your email, I understand that after plugging in the two ports were damaged of your Panasonic TV system.

I realise that this could have damaged your TV system.

Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to you regarding this.

In this case, normally I'd create a replacement order for the defective item right away, to be sent to you as soon as possible at no additional charge.

However, your order #204-7468905-0487565 was sold by a third party seller: ForPower(aLLreli TM). This item was labelled ‘Fulfilled by Amazon’. Items labelled ‘Fulfilled by Amazon’ are sent to you directly from an Fulfilment Centre but because the Seller's inventory is constantly changing we can't replace any items sold by them that are Fulfilled by Amazon.

You're welcome to return the item for a refund.

To make up for the inconvenience, I have requested an advance refund of 12.99 GBP to your payment card which should be processed within 2 to 3 business days. Please note, this does not include your bank’s processing time. You’ll see this amount credited on your next statement.

When the refund is completed, we'll send you an e-mail confirming the date, amount and payment details.

After receiving this confirmation e-mail, you can view the refund details on the Order Summary in Your Account (h**p:// Completed refunds will appear at the bottom of an individual order summary page.

Please click on the following link to be brought to your personalised returns label and follow the instructions provided:


If you don't have a printer, make sure to enclose a copy of your packing slip or a note with your order number. Please wrap the parcel securely and return to the address provided on your label.

More information on returns and refunds can be found on our Help pages at:


If you'd still like this item and would like to re-order it, you can find it by visiting the following link:


For more information about items 'Fulfilled by Amazon', please visit our help pages:


As a representative of, I want to assure you that we value our customers' trust above all else--it's the foundation on which our company was built. Please know that we'll continue working hard to ensure that you receive accurate service, and to minimise the chances of anything like this occurring again.

I hope I was of some help to you, however should you have any other concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to write back to us. We are here to help you with everything we can.

We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Warmest regards,
Mohit "

So, lemme get this straight....

I've got to print this label off with my printer using my ink and my paper, pack the item back up, take it to the post office (during working hours) so it will take at least one (maybe one and a half) hours of my (billable) TIME to send it back to you while I sit here with half of my HDMI ports blown up? What's fair about that?

Seriously, I could pay Bertie to draft a response to them for me I am so miffed. :mad:
Bad news but I'm not surprised.

I've been with Amazon since they started and didn't have 3rd party companies that I remember. Last year my wife wanted a steam station iron so I ordered it off Amazon. My wife unpacked it and decided it wasn't for her so I looked into returning it. I've never done that before so I looked at the documentation to do this. It told me to contact the seller which I did via his mobile(only contact no.) him being in Belfast. He agreed to the return and I sought a company to take and handle the return. I looked at Parcels2go and there was a whole list of companies from £6.95 to about £25. Guess what none of the companies would take Belfast deliveries bar the last one. They wanted £22.95(I think it was UPS) but that only covered up to the value of £50, this was an £89 item. The extra cost was another £2.95. I returned it paying the money thinking I would get satisfaction through Amazon but no deal. Trying to speak to a human was virtually impossible then I was just told to write to a generic address but never bothered. :mad:

I still use them as Amazon prime saves me keeping so much stock.
As it seems you've already figured out, Amazon isn't going to want to do a whole lot for you.

You only option may be contacting the company that made it directly, and explaining to them that their product damaged your television and that you feel it's their responsibility to fix the problem.

As far as getting a replacement, I wouldn't want another one of those after the first experience.
I understand how you feel.

I am trying to figure out what I would do in a similar situation, like if I sold a USB hub that turned out to be defective and blew out the usb ports on a clients laptop.
Amazon's customer services is really crap. I pay for prime and most of my orders will arrive late. When I asked them about this they said sorry, nothing we can do about it. My send has seriously dropped with them since then.
Wow, very surprised with the comments here, I have amazon prime and items arrive next day and on time. Also I sent two routers back to them 1 missing a leaflet and the other a cd and they never questioned me. I usually speak to them on live chat, some operative are a bit slow so you may have to repeat yourself a few times, but usually i find them quite good.

I have an issue with another item which was purchased on my card, and they refunded, I took amazon vouchers as the refund method (quicker) as I was going to buy an item in the same category, however this didn't work either. Their policy states that they don't refund amazon gift's but they did on this occasion.

I've also had a £300 GPU not turn up and they refunded without questions. I am very happy with them :D
I'm against Amazon in principle.
It goes against my belief in spending my money with local businesses, and helping the local economy.
A lack of support of what they resell, as well as a "I could care less about you" attitude from overseas support towards those that bought from exactly what I would expect.
I am also surprised at the comments here. I have had nothing but good things to say about Amazon and their policies. I have purchased tens of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and have had a few returns with no incident. I have had one incident where a package got lost and took 3 days to arrive (not amazon's fault, but lazership's).. Otherwise it is always next day or two day.

With all due respect to the OP, you don't expect Amazon to pay for your TV, do you? That would be ridiculous. If anything, the company who made the device should be responsible. On top of that you purchased the device from a 3rd party seller - you wouldn't blame ebay for a broken widget you received, you blame the seller, right? They offered you a refund on the purchase and return shipping. Yes, you have to print a label.. Yes it needs to be shipped (here in the states you have the option of having it picked up by UPS.. So no travel). I guess I don't see where the rub is.
I'm really upset with Amazon at the moment as well - for a different reason, though. Went there to do some purchasing a couple of days ago & was greeted with the new "Add-in" feature. What a joke.

I don't have prime, do not purchase enough to justify it, plus it seems that the items I want do not qualify.

The "Add-in" thing is another qualifying "mess"; basically, you have to pay individual shipping on that item unless you all enough Add-ins to add up to $25.00 for the free ship.

I usually take advantage of the free ship over $25, but the add-in program throws a real monkey wrench into this, as they have it "rigged" that the Add-in items are higher priced to cover themselves.

I ended up emptying the cart & shopping elsewhere for several of the items. :rolleyes: