Thinking of calling it quits...


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Vancouver, WA (USA)
This is a bit of a rant...

I've been in business for 9 years, business has been getting worse the last 2 years. Last year I had to fire my main technician and went back to doing the field work myself. I would typically do 2-3 appts. in the morning and then work on what came into the shop in the afternoon. This year isn't going any better. It's been really slow lately and there's just no money coming in. I already skipped paying myself a few times this year, so I could make payroll for my office manager.

I'm getting really depressed about this place and don't even want to come into work. The customers that yell at me and treat me like crap (even after I fix their computer) are really starting to wear on me. Last week I busted my @ss to get one guy's laptop done in 1 day. When he picked it up I asked him for his claim slip (wasn't there when it was dropped off, didn't know him from Adam). He started yelling at me that it was in the truck and if I was going to make him walk out and get it. I tried explaining nicely why we need the slip and he just started yelling at me more.

No, not all the customers are horrible, there are lots of nice ones. Just not enough to keep me in the black. Combine the slow business with the poor treatment from customers and the cost-effectiveness of computer repair in general and I think it's done for.

It's been a decent ride, I guess I just want to enjoy computers again and what they can do. Not (for the 1,000th time) explain that Firefox is just another browser, not virus protection and that "No, I didn't cause you to get a virus 2 weeks after your computer left my shop"!!!

Can someone explain why I should keep doing this?
This is a bit of a rant...

I've been in business for 9 years, business has been getting worse the last 2 years. Last year I had to fire my main technician and went back to doing the field work myself. I would typically do 2-3 appts. in the morning and then work on what came into the shop in the afternoon. This year isn't going any better. It's been really slow lately and there's just no money coming in. I already skipped paying myself a few times this year, so I could make payroll for my office manager.

I'm getting really depressed about this place and don't even want to come into work. The customers that yell at me and treat me like crap (even after I fix their computer) are really starting to wear on me. Last week I busted my @ss to get one guy's laptop done in 1 day. When he picked it up I asked him for his claim slip (wasn't there when it was dropped off, didn't know him from Adam). He started yelling at me that it was in the truck and if I was going to make him walk out and get it. I tried explaining nicely why we need the slip and he just started yelling at me more.

No, not all the customers are horrible, there are lots of nice ones. Just not enough to keep me in the black. Combine the slow business with the poor treatment from customers and the cost-effectiveness of computer repair in general and I think it's done for.

It's been a decent ride, I guess I just want to enjoy computers again and what they can do. Not (for the 1,000th time) explain that Firefox is just another browser, not virus protection and that "No, I didn't cause you to get a virus 2 weeks after your computer left my shop"!!!

Can someone explain why I should keep doing this?

This is where I was at a couple of years ago and was down to my last tech but instead of letting my tech go i figured out how to forego the office person. That, along with a couple of other changes to my business model have really turned things around. It had been a real tough couple of years though. If you're doing all the tech work yourself you may be burning out real fast. You're actually not too far from me. I have seen a lot of my competitors in the Seattle/Tacoma area go out of business and I kept telling myself that I'll be better positioned when things turn around again after this economic slump. It looks like things are slowly starting to pick up for the small businesses I service. If we could just get this joker out of the White House maybe the economy would actually start to move...
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Can someone explain why I should keep doing this?

I do it because I like helping people. But you are not alone in the rude area. I dont think either that your cash flow situation is any different than alot of us right now. The poor economy is to blame. I can feel it in the air (so to speak) that people are pretty down right now and they tend to vent on any little thing.

In general, Customers have been getting pretty bad for some time now.
Can someone explain why I should keep doing this?

I can't....You say.."getting worse the last 2 years", "just no money coming in", "skipped paying myself", "getting depressed"…..etc….

So tell me this "why keep doing it?" I know the whole "great to be self employed", "great to be my own boss", "great to decide when I want to work"...But in reality when is the last time you could really say those things?

And I am NOT saying any of that to be negative. My point is there is nothing wrong with hanging it up either forever or for now and doing something else. Get a job in some corporate environment and get back into the swing of things. Maybe your passion will come back, maybe you will start up again on the side, who knows.

I have a storefront, full time employee(S), the whole nine yards BUT I also have a full time job. I would not give up the full time job for anything. The experience, position, salary, benefits, 401K etc...and I am my own boss there...Nothing wrong at all in working for someone other than yourself.

You obviously know technology being in the industry so long, have management experience running your own business I have no doubt no matter what you choose you will be successful.
If we could just get this joker out of the White House maybe the economy would actually start to move...

Yeah, you're not getting clients because of Obama, whatever. Can we try to not politicize this thread ?
I have not seen things this bad since 1994 when I took a job to keep things going for 6 months. Now I am tool old for anyone to hire but it sucks depleting my retirement savings while waiting for things to get bettr.
Yeah, you're not getting clients because of Obama, whatever. Can we try to not politicize this thread ?

yeah i've heard that before. i even have relatives that think when I point my finger at the white house for poor economic policies I'm just "politicizing things". if you can point to business you've gained because of Obama go ahead. I'd be fascinated. Because I can specifically point out business that I have lost or customers that have extensively cut back their budgets because of policies the White House has enacted. Every week I make a point to ask business owners how their business is doing, how their industry is doing, and what is affecting it (good or bad). At the very least, the uncertainty about this administration is killing our economy. we don't need to politicize this thread or debate it here but i won't back down from sharing how I've been affected.
yeah i've heard that before. i even have relatives that think when I point my finger at the white house for poor economic policies I'm just "politicizing things". if you can point to business you've gained because of Obama go ahead. I'd be fascinated. Because I can specifically point out business that I have lost or customers that have extensively cut back their budgets because of policies the White House has enacted. Every week I make a point to ask business owners how their business is doing, how their industry is doing, and what is affecting it (good or bad). At the very least, the uncertainty about this administration is killing our economy.

Blah, blah, blah. Remember when Bush said there was no housing bubble, there was nothing wrong with the stock market, there was no gasoline crises ? Take your politics and start a different thread instead of hijacking this one.
Blah, blah, blah. Remember when Bush said there was no housing bubble, there was nothing wrong with the stock market, there was no gasoline crises ? Take your politics and start a different thread instead of hijacking this one.

the bush administration did some things that hurt my business too. i have no problems admitting that. i'm no bush fan. don't assume because i point out how the current administration is hurting the economy that I'm just trying to politicize things. trying to counter by trashing bush... that's trying to politicize things. problem is I agree with you on bush.

Anyhow, i'll stop encouraging the political rants but the point to make to the OP - at least wait until after November to see how things go and how the economy reacts. Either way, the economy should resolve itself to move a little bit after November. Businesses will either feel more confident or else decide that it's time to move despite the uncertainty. I don't know if it will be soon enough to see a difference in this winter retail season but if it were me I'd stick it out until then to see how the economy reacts. Regardless of your political preferences, the market does react to these sorts of things.
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I personally blame it on the Eastern Bunny and Santa Clause . . .
I personally blame it on the Eastern Bunny and Santa Clause . . .

Being in the west my whole life I have never heard of the Eastern Bunny:) but Santa Claus actually stimulates sales in my area. Not as much as businesses trying to spend before the end of the year for tax write-offs though. December is always my most profitable month for equipment purchases; January is the busiest month for installing it all.
Fine, I blame it all on the leprechauns and their big fat pots of gold . . . hoarders!
Fine, I blame it all on the leprechauns and their big fat pots of gold . . . hoarders!


If you are a working man, business owner or what have you, you have no friends in either party. Both are the big money party. Money buys votes thy both seem to forget that people make votes.

Until we all stand up and take back our votes but really understanding the issues and campaign finance reform we will get what we have no matter what party is in control.

No matter who wins this country will not be a good country with opportunities like we had for our grand children.
Some how I knew that BestBuy laying off 700 geeks was not a good thing for us. We all have our issues with their prices, quality, service and what have you but what is bad for BestBuy is bad for the industry. All boats sink with a lowering tide, all boats rise with a rising tide.

I actually started doing better in my retail store when GeekSquad came to Wichita as they allowed me to raise my prices and still be 25% lss than the big box guys. I made some of my best profits those few years.....Through 2008 wall-street scandal.
As a company that is located near the home of BB/GS and 20 some stores, I found them to be a referring partner myself. Although I set my price point way lower and a bit lower than my other top competition. So that had nothing to do with helping my business grow.

To the OP: What are your services and how can you expand upon those? Have you reviewed your business and marketing plan lately? I checked out your site and since you are doing business support, why not focus on that and get out of the home/res stuff. We have had exceptional luck with simple business solution offerings. I have a thread in managed services about it now. If you think that this would help, PM me and I will try to help you get to know how we do it so you can try it anyway. No cost to do these, you just need to learn and find flip some of your clients over or get out and network to meet new clients.


Or, if you're not into this...I would start finding a FT job and get happy again. You can sell the biz or set up a referring partnership that continues to pay you via commisssion. I'm not one that is into suffering for a cause unless you see the light. Just sayin.
Thankfully touch wood most of my customers are are OK but I am lucky with the demographics and don't go for the cheap customers. There are plenty of cheaper people around, although I am still cheap compared to a lot of people on here.

However on the money side of things I would earn more money stacking shelves in the supermarket, but that would make me unhappy where as I enjoy this job, so I take the much lower money.

Things here have been steady but it is not enough. However the main reason I keep doing is what else would I do?

That is the basic issue here I am sure on both side of the pond the job market is pretty dire so even if you are struggling it is still better than being on the dole. That is what keeps me going anyway :)

You have to ask a question though, is your heart still in it?
Can someone explain why I should keep doing this?

No. I got nothing. Quit. Close it down. Pack it in. Go back home, feel sorry for yourself and whine and moan about your terrible customers. In fact, why not tell everyone in the welfare line too.

Or stop being a little bitch and "get 'er done"!!!! :)

...btw, you're the reason your business is drying up. Not the other way around.
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