Torn between gateways for an ultra simple office setup.


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I'm full Ubiquiti on all my clients so whatever I go with needs to stay that way.

The build out is 2 desks/workstations, 2 POE Phones, and 1 shared MFC printer. There is no rack, there is a cabinet where finished Cat6 cables dangle next to the modem.

I'm thinking either this setup for the built in AP but no IPS/IDS

Or this setup with a separate AP and a gateway that features IPS/IDS:

There will be no growth at this office so this would be the complete setup ... just curious what others thoughts are on this. I would usually throw a UDMSE into a rack but this setup is so small I feel like it just doesn't need it. I do like the compactness of having the AP built into the Gateway but I have not tested either device in the field.

The office is about 500 sq/f.
I agree the first option is fine. It has more than enough horsepower to handle the environment. IPS/IDS is overkill if you aren't serving out any functions like email or a website. Using a good DNS, like, along with browser plugins, like ublock and nopscript, should keep the keep the click bait users under control.
Express should suffice for that. Just have...patience...when setting it up. It boots up very...very...painfully slowly.
If you use Hostifi...there's also the Gateway Lite, and Gateway Max...just to throw more choices in the
I always do the 3 part solution, it's not that much more money and it makes upgrades easier later.

I DESPISE integrated wireless. I'll merge a switch with a gateway all day long but darn it, that WAP is on its own. But I also live in a hot dry place with a TON of lightning, and replacements and upgrades of wireless are a constant. The gateway is the "smart" thing, controller, router, switch is a combo magic box that I can shield from the lightning damage. The WAP for me must be alone, and I usually prefer running on an injector just to keep things utterly separate. Otherwise I'm getting calls of fried junk after a monsoon, and I just don't have time for that.
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