Thanks Andy - what's with your sig? Is that your website?
Thanks Andy - what's with your sig? Is that your website?
Took a quick video of my machine opening Firefox/Word 2007, extracting and then rezipping Service Pack 3 files with Winrar and finally running Geekbench.
The video was recorded using CamStudio. It would be interesting to compare our rigs using the same recording software and the same tests.
PC Spec;
Intel 8400 @ 3.6ghz
3.25GB RAM
8800 Ultra
2 x 250GB RAID 0
Vista 32bit
Your XP may boot quicker than my Vista but I bet I still beat you in game loading times (its rare anyone loads before me in BF2) and Ive got a sweet, much prettier entertainment system compared to your boring old XP
XP may be faster than Vista at opening control panel, but who cares when you've got a Q6600, 4GB of RAM, a 8800GTX, RAID 0 with WD Raptors & Vista 64-Bit lol
I nuked the Vista partition after the benchmarks, and to be honest would rather not reinstall Vista natively. I can post a video of my current XP install in action if you like.