Why all the sudden I can't move a folder to a different team?


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I'm working on trying to get a clients data more organized. Currently they dump everything into a single team channel and the channel is overwhelmingly bloated. It takes forever for the channel to sync and results in sluggishness since 30+ people are dumping into a single general channel.

I'm adding myself to the teams as an owner and the first team I added myself to "Executive Committee" worked fine. I added myself, it showed up in teams I right clicked a folder clicked "move to" then more places and the "Executive Committee" team is available for me to move the folder to the General channel.

I added myself to two other teams, similarly configured "Sales" and "Operations - Finance" but when I try to move the folder into the General Channel for those teams the Team simply doesn't show up in my available teams, even though I am a Team owner.

I did all this in a matter of 15-30 minutes thinking oh I'll just add myself to each team and then move the appropriate folders but as you can see in the screenshot Sales & Operations - Finance are not showing up under My Teams to move to even though I am clearly an owner since it shows up in my Teams Client.

It worked fine for Executive Committee and it was instant but I can't get to Sales or Operations - Finance ... not even though Sharepoint directly... Help? I've given it about 30 minutes and it's still not available for me to move folders to. I have full functionality of the Teams I am an owner of as in I can create content in the Sales > General channel as well as the Operations - Finance > General Channel

Sharepoint is also missing these teams for me to copy folders to even though I am an owner/member @YeOldeStonecat @Sky-Knight


Syncing the team to OneDrive and moving the data that way seems AWFUL and isn't really an option...
Propagation delay...

New stuff can take up to a week to show up. That specific thing I've seen take about 4 hours. If it's not there by the time you read this, try nuking all your Microsoft related cookies and log in again.
Propagation delay...

New stuff can take up to a week to show up. That specific thing I've seen take about 4 hours. If it's not there by the time you read this, try nuking all your Microsoft related cookies and log in again.

What was weird is ... my access to the executive committee was instant and I could instantly transfer stuff to it.

The end result is yes they eventually showed up the next day. I'm on a different computer now too though so I'll have to check my Office PC when I get back
What was weird is ... my access to the executive committee was instant and I could instantly transfer stuff to it.

The end result is yes they eventually showed up the next day. I'm on a different computer now too though so I'll have to check my Office PC when I get back
Yes... you're looking at one of the most annoying aspects of M365. Some crap is instant, some crap takes ages, and you just don't quite know when it will bite you.

But that specific thing I've seen take FOREVER. And you're right, there's no other way to do things. You CAN move things with Powershell near instantly! But that's more work than just waiting for most things.

And it always does this crap when you're in a hurry too! You're head space is, this will take two seconds... then you can't click the thing you need to click! Really annoying.