Why will my website only load for about 5 minutes after I initiate the redirect record?


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Staunton, VA
I have had my website, which is about as basic as basic can get, parked in Amazon S3 storage for its entire existence. I have the domain name, britechguy.com, held by Namecheap.com and this has been the case for well over a decade now (started out way, way back when with Yahoo).

For many years, entering britechguy.com in the address box of any browser just loaded the site, which is redirected to: https://britechguy.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/index.html. Entering that full amazonaws URL itself in any web browser always gets the site to load.

Here's a screenshot from the Namecheap site of my redirect (and, trust me, the part of the amazonaws URL you can't see is what's above):

If I delete that record, and recreate it, for a very short period of time if I enter, or have my partner enter, britechguy.com in any web browser the site loads. But after less than 15 minutes, all of them show some variant of the 404 screen:
(in the case of Firefox, it's a blank screen with no further information).

I might be able to understand this if, from the moment the redirect record is entered, that it never worked, but that's not the case. It does work, each and every time I create it anew, but only for a very short timespan before all browsers start throwing a 404.

If anyone can explain:
1. What's actually happening here.
2. How one might fix it so that my website simply loads, consistently, I'd appreciate it.

I know that my website will be considered crap by many, and that's fine, as I have never put a ton of effort into it and at my age won't be doing so, but at least up until very recently, with things set up precisely as they are now, it would always load. I just have no idea why I now get a 5-minute functioning redirect window followed by a perpetual 404 thereafter. I just can't understand why that stopped working, particularly since the redirect is to a URL using https://
With very limited knowledge of website workings, I'm sorry I can't contribute anything constructive, but when I go to www.btitechguy.com I get "Insecure Connection" errors.
Maybe you need to update to HTTPS?
Does the site have a digital certificate?

I did read that Google were blocking non HTTPS sites or something along those lines.

If I physically enter https://www.britechguy.com I get a "This page does not exist."
https://britechguy.com shows the same dialogue.
Simply entering britechguy.com gives the same again.

If I click the link you posted above https://britechguy.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/index.html It takes me to your webpage.

Also the page has been displayed for over 20 minutes now
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Does the site have a digital certificate?

No, and it didn't need one (up until now) as it's "non-interactive." A ask for nothing as far as user input, so you'd think that http:// would be adequate, but it's becoming obvious that this will no longer be considered the case "just because" rather than on any analysis of what the site does.

I've begun looking into SSL certificates, but just barely.
I know that my website will be considered crap by many, and that's fine,
I like it. No scrolling (apart from the (Computers/Electronics page) which wins me hands down!
Easy to read and navigate, no flashing banners, no excessive link clicking it's just a nice website to visit.
Your services and pricing are easy to see and understand.

It's just a nice website.
Oh and its still up after about 30 mins.
@britechguy my web site is on a dedicated server at a fixed IP address. So I use A records to handle that. It's possible that you could ping the AWS FQDN to get an IP and then plug that into a A record. BTW, that is certainly a '90's looking website @britechguy Screenshot 2024-11-24 at 3.53.44 PM.png

Have you tried a CNAME record?

Screenshot 2024-11-24 at 3.54.54 PM.png

@GTP's message about insecure connection failures is due to the browser requiring a cert but there is no cert. So you do need a cert from a real cert authority. I'd bet namecheap or AWS can do that. And your website needs to run on port 80, http, and port 443, https.
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So you do need a cert from a real cert authority. I'd bet namecheap or AWS can do that. And your website needs to run on port 80, http, and port 443, https.

Namecheap definitely does, I don't know if AWS does, but now there's the wrinkle that AWS is trying to get everyone who's hosting a static website under S3 (and I'm free tier) to move it over to Amplify Free Tier, and there appear to be some plusses to doing that, which is why I asked about that under separate cover several days ago.

I have never done a single thing in relation to ports for my website, ever, and have no idea what I'd do or where.
Namecheap definitely does, I don't know if AWS does, but now there's the wrinkle that AWS is trying to get everyone who's hosting a static website under S3 (and I'm free tier) to move it over to Amplify Free Tier, and there appear to be some plusses to doing that, which is why I asked about that under separate cover several days ago.

I have never done a single thing in relation to ports for my website, ever, and have no idea what I'd do or where.
You're talking about "listeners". Basically thats the part of a server service app where you tell it what ports to monitor for traffic. Usually it revolves around what the service is. In this case it would be what ever you used to build your website since the website itself is just a document.

And sorry I have no experience with AWS website hosting.
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In this case it would be what ever you used to build your website since the website itself is just a document.

I literally built it with an HTML editor called BlueGriffon and uploaded the collection of HTML files, CSS, and images to an Amazon S3 bucket configured to hold a static website. Never did another thing beyond having secured the domain and then putting the previously shown redirect record in to point it there.

Hence my comment about my experience level. At the time I did this it was as "quick and dirty" a project as one could imagine.
Using the IP address that resolves for your AWS FQDN for an A record will not work. If you ping the FQDN it returns an IP that has the S3 landing page. So it's probable the redirect may be the only way since it's really a virtual host.

All S3 instances should have a control panel. It just depends on how much control they allow. Given that it's free I'd think the potential options will be extremely limited.

Edit - I did a port scan on the FQDN you provided. Since it's a virtual host your FQDN will resolve to a generic FQDN. As you can see the port for HTTPS (443) is already open. So just need to configure the website with a cert, etc.

Screenshot 2024-11-24 at 6.15.50 PM.png
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Thanks again for your insight. I have tweaked my redirects as follows:

So far, anyway, that seems to get plain old britechguy.com to load just fine, though I'll have to check over the coming hours and days. The initial tests are working on my machine, but my partner is still getting a 404 on britechguy.com.
One thing to keep in mind is that redirects are not DNS. They're basically hosting this redirect on a web server for you as a free/included service. Maybe they find that http to https s3 redirects are mostly sketchy and don't want to do it anymore.

But if you have a website in 2024, you're going to need to use https all the way. I haven't used S3, so I don't know if you can do it, but either you would be adding your custom domain and certificate to your S3 instance and using a CNAME, or the web server hosting the redirect needs to have your certificate for your domain so that it can terminate TLS connections for that domain before redirecting to S3.
Alternative web hosting with SSL and support included would be just a few bucks.
From here it's still the same: it works with "www", but not without.
Pings for both are ok and show the same IP (

I see there is an option to "add wildcard redirect", maybe you can try it.

Your last redirections should work! The strange thing is: using http://britechguy.com shows a 404 error, i.e. html page not found.
So it's looking for an "index.html" of some sort -> the redirection does not work... Maybe you can contact their support.

For SSL, I know my web hosting provider includes one for free (Let's Encrypt).

Looking at your DNS zone records ( here ) you have no "CNAME" redirection and you have this line in the TXT section:
britechguy.com. 1799 IN TXT "google-site-verification=wrJjVcUONZ8b9UwzYCqO1ytpq2mbCXmJ69XQ_3iFkhU"
I think you should (also?) have something like this:
britechguy.com. xxxx IN TXT "4|http://britechguy.com"
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