Windows 10 not compatible with Intel G3258 chips ! (Fix)


Well-Known Member
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Leeds, UK
This was, pardon my French, an utter Barstard.

3 days I slaved over this sodding machine.


Gigabyte GA-B85M-DS3H motherboard
Intel Pentium Dual Core (G3258) 3.2GHz Processor 3MB L3 Cache

Win 10 OEM DVD would not install.
It would boot, the blue window would come up, then reboot.

I tried all sorts, every bios permutation i could think of.
I tried an SSD drive, sata drive, usb drive, legacy, achi, fervent prayer, voodooism etc etc.

I installed win 7, ( easy, straight forward), and tried an upgrade.
It got so far, then crashed out with 0xc1900101 - 0x20017 error

I tried gigabyte drivers, snappy drivers, i suspected duff usb3 drivers.

I was putting together a help request here, and was compiling info for my help plea when i found...

Basically, Win 10 doesn't like this chip.
Boring explanation omitted.

The "FIX" is to downgrade the number of cores down to 1 (in BIOS), install win 10.

Unfortunately, it has to stay that way for the time being.

(EDIT : Wrong. There is a workaround

Nicked from the link above. Respect to original poster........I just renamed C:\Windows\System32\mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll to C:\Windows\System32\mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll.bak (and changed permissions to be able to do so- on this file only). And that's ALL I needed to do Win 10-side for my G3258 (aside obviously from setting OC again on all cores in BIOS).


If you change the number of cores back to "Auto" (2 in my dual core case), without changing that system32 file, it causes a "preparing automatic repair" loop.

The link above documents a file edit fix once win 10 is up and running.

Hay, it installed !!

PS. This is my daughters boyfriends machine, so the pressure was on.

These chips and boards are quite commonplace, hopes this helps someone.

Thank you and good night.
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What a weird problem! Lends strength to my recommendation to customers that want to upgrade to Win 10 to wait a few months so hopefully problems like this have been resolved.
What a weird problem! Lends strength to my recommendation to customers that want to upgrade to Win 10 to wait a few months so hopefully problems like this have been resolved.

Exactly. You can't have it both ways. You can't volunteer to be an unpaid beta tester for Microsoft's new untested OS and then complain that it is unstable. Beta testers should take pleasure in every bug that they find ;)
Interesting. I had an issue with win 10 and a new gigabyte mb. Everything worked fine in windows 7 but went up to 10 and mb crapped out. Put in a new motherboard (same model) and it wouldn't recognize the second sata drive. I had to switch the sata port to hot swap and then it worked.

Sent the bad board back and gigabyte says it is ok and are sending it back to me.

Same mode number with an A at the end.
During my "joy", with my gigabyte, one opinion was to use ide instead of ahci.

I still like gigabyte mb's despite all this.