Windows 11 Pro activation issues


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Owensboro, Kentucky
Typically, when we receive a shipment of laptops, we reformat them right out of the box. Activation has not been an issue until now. I have tried everything that has worked in the past but have yet to be successful. So, against my better judgment, I purchased a (legitimate) product key, and no. Two out of five of them will not activate. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
I've had that happen (though with Windows 10) and the only solution was to contact Microsoft tech support. And, at least at that time, there was no charge for assistance with activation.
If you're certain those laptops included a Windows license, then any way to activate might be regarded as legitimate. Such as the "github activation scripts" method.
Thank you, sir! This worked like a charm!
If you're certain those laptops included a Windows license, then any way to activate might be regarded as legitimate. Such as the "github activation scripts" method.
YES! That is what I used not long ago same issue. I had purchased laptops and removed all the currrent partitions and reinstalled the O/S and it would not activate. I had done this many times before as the OP though this one just would not. I contacted MS they were of no use, contacted the supplier and the same [not that it was their issue]. I think it had to do with the key residing as active within the primary partition of the current OS preinstalled. I found it odd though as I thought only once the system OS had been fully installed > Internet then it could handshake the activation. I ended up using that script that @fincoder stated and yes worked off the bat, this one is on my Ventoy kit now.
Thank you, sir! This worked like a charm!

Is this legit? I ask this mainly because of a comment made on the bottom of the project's own FAQ page:

"MAS project doesn't accept donations and it's free.
It's because it's a community project and involves many contributors, splitting donations is not practical, and also because profiting from piracy is not good."

If a donation amounts to "profiting from piracy" then the logical inference is, "this is still piracy, but I'm not charging for it." I also find what they dub "Our Non-Piracy Site" confusing.
Is this legit? I ask this mainly because of a comment made on the bottom of the project's own FAQ page:

"MAS project doesn't accept donations and it's free.
It's because it's a community project and involves many contributors, splitting donations is not practical, and also because profiting from piracy is not good."

If a donation amounts to "profiting from piracy" then the logical inference is, "this is still piracy, but I'm not charging for it." I also find what they dub "Our Non-Piracy Site" confusing.
It is it resets the KMS for the system and reinstalls the original key.
The massgrave scripts could be used for piracy, but the few times I've used it the computer definitely had a Windows license. As I said in my first reply: "If you're certain those laptops included a Windows license, then any way to activate might be regarded as legitimate."
All current machines from reputable sources have mainboards with keys built in.

This will auto activate on installation. If this isn't happening, you've got a problem with the vendor that sold the unit, or a crap vendor.

Note the above script does the HWID activation process for you as part of its options, that does what Windows is supposed to do on install.. grab the key from the BIOS and go.

The powershell for this is :
(Get-WmiObject -query ‘select * from SoftwareLicensingService’).OA3xOriginalProductKey

Then you can go into the activation window in settings "change key" and toss in the above. Sometimes, you have to do that but if that's happening on the regular again you've got a mobo issue or perhaps a faulty USB image.