WIndows 7 Black Screen of Death


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Mangawhai Heads, New Zealand

I have a desktop that boots to a black screen with a white mouse cursor. This appears to be a common problem given the number of hits on google, though I have not seen it before.

Unfortunately, none of the so-called solutions I have seen seem to be appropriate for my case here. Booting in safe mode, boot from last known good configuration all have the same outcome - a black screen. Other solutions that require access to command lines , device managers etc wont work. Any stuff like that has to be offline which makes it tricky, to say the least.

Before I give up and blow it away and reinstall I was wondering if the collective mind had seen this issue and might have any suggestions?

nah - can't see anything, I don't think win-R is working, though win-U is oddly. ctrl-alt-del does not work, can't get to task manager. When Offline I checked registry for valid startup keys for explorer and other login items. All ok. So just about out of options.
hmmm - when I checked the hdd yesterday it seemed ok, its now come up with a sector reallocation count. sooo, I think this explains the behaviour. Time for new SSD I think. Thanks for the help guys.