Windows Password Reset Utilities - Which still work, and under what conditions?


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Staunton, VA
I know that this topic comes up not infrequently, but the phrase "password reset" and all variants occur so frequently that I've not had any luck zeroing in on an answer.

Resetting Windows user account passwords is not what it once was. I have to presume there are still a number of utilities folks here use for local Windows user accounts that work fine. For Microsoft Account linked Windows user accounts, it makes more sense, at least initially, to do a recovery/reset on the Microsoft Account, which then propagates down to the linked Windows user account. But if that doesn't work, I seem to recall someone mentioning a utility that could force an existing MS Account linked Windows user account back to being local, and then being able to address a lock out that way.

In any case, I thought it wouldn't hurt to have a centralized topic where Windows Password Reset Utilities were the central point, so I've started one. Start offering favorites and what condition(s) they can be used to address.

Thanks. That one requires booting from external media, which is not a problem for me, but would be for my blind clients, and I am also trying to find out whether anything exists that would work from within Windows itself (from a different account, of course) where access to a differnt account is still possible.

I've made a note regarding this one, though, as it certainly could come in handy and the price is right.
That one requires booting from external media, which is not a problem for me, but would be for my blind clients, and I am also trying to find out whether anything exists that would work from within Windows itself (from a different account, of course) where access to a differnt account is still possible.
That would be Windows itself. If another user has admin rights they can change the password of another user.
I have not heard of any such tool or utility it requires generally the process -

Open Settings: Click on the Start menu and select the gear icon (Settings) on the left side.
Go to Accounts: In the Settings window, select "Accounts."
Access Your Account: Click on "Your info" in the left sidebar.
Disconnect Microsoft Account:
Under the "Your account" section, you should see information about your Microsoft Account. Look for an option to "Sign in with a local account instead." Follow the on-screen instructions to disconnect your Microsoft Account and create a local account.
By the way, I know how to connect/disconnect a MS Account Linkage for an account one can access. That's not the question, but about under what conditions one can do password changes.
I am also trying to find out whether anything exists that would work from within Windows itself (from a different account, of course) where access to a differnt account is still possible.
The password is stored in the SAM which is locked on the boot drive when booting from it. The only way to access it within a login is using a user in the Administrator Group. There are standalone apps, NTPWEdit, that run on Windows instance. I'd think if you were able to run it as SYSTEM user it might work. But there's a reason why M$ locks this stuff up.

NTPWEdit changes passwords by direct modifying file C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SAM. When running, operating system blocks any access to this file, so password editor must be executed on another Windows copy.

Bitlocker is a killer for these utils. While you can input the Bitlocker key from which you can then reset the password - 99% of the time, you won't have the Key, so, the password reset can't be performed.
Bitlocker is a killer for these utils.

Don't I know it!!

As the screws get tighter and tighter it's going to be less and less possible for those who don't record keep about passwords, keys, and backup codes to ever regain access to information they actually have every right to have access to. And my sympathy for them is limited, as I've been preaching the absolute need to record-keep with regard to passwords and their equivalents for many years now. Whatever it is that "unlocks the door" is something the owner of the house behind it simply cannot be cavalier about keeping careful track of.

One of the reasons I like MS-Account-linked Windows user accounts is when I get the clients who have no idea of their password, I've had much better luck going through the recovery process at and eventually getting back in.
I've still got my PCUnlocker boot disk from years ago. Will it work on Win11 machines?
You'll probably need an updated version of PCUnlocker. I had to contact the developer for support when it wouldn't work on Win11, they sent me a link to download the latest version for no charge.
I bought the enterprise version 5 years ago. Will they let me download a current version? I looked through their site and couldn't find a way to sign in or re-download. I do have the original email and invoice with an expired download link.
I bought the enterprise version 5 years ago. Will they let me download a current version? I looked through their site and couldn't find a way to sign in or re-download. I do have the original email and invoice with an expired download link.
Ithink they moved to a subscription model
Think for those it's a one-time purchase for the current version and something like 6 months after. If they do an update a few years down the road. It's re-purchase time.

Can't find my PCUnlocker Purchase - but I've purchased it 2 times already.

Konboot (7-day download Window, but offers to Upgrade from 2018 or later):
I bought the enterprise version 5 years ago. Will they let me download a current version?
I bought the Enterprise version in 2017, got a new version in 2022 for no charge. Here's the readme file that came with the new ISO:

Dear Valued Customer, Thanks for choosing PCUnlocker Enterprise software! This full version works without any limitations. No need to activate it with registration code. How to reset forgotten Windows admin/user password: ////////////////////////////////FAQ//////////////////////////////////// Q: How to set your computer to boot from CD or USB drive? A: Q: What to do if PCUnlocker can't find Windows SAM or NTDS.dit file? A: Q: Keep getting the error 0x0000005D when booting from PCUnlocker Live CD/USB drive? A: If you keep getting black screen with error code 0x0000005D, please contact our customer support team and we'll provide you with another version that will fix your problem. Regards, Top Password Software, Inc.