WTF Amazon


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Pittsburgh, PA - USA
Just received this message from Amazon. After reading it several times, I still don't understand. Can anyone shed some light on how much money this is going to cost me? :rolleyes:

Dear Business Prime customer,

As a member of the Business Prime Duo Plan, we have some exciting news to share with you.

Effective immediately, Business Prime Duo will be available to Prime members like yourself free of charge.

We will be issuing a daily pro-rated refund for the period from June 27, 2023 to the end of your Business Prime Duo paid period. The refund will be processed automatically and will be credited to your original payment method within the next few weeks.

Thank you for being a Business Prime Duo member, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with excellent service and support.


Amazon Business Customer Service

Please note: this email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.
We have been using Amazon for years as Prime and Business Prime. Lately don't know the advantage of either. Prime 2 Day delivery needs to be relabeled to UnPrime 2 Week delivery. Also not very fond of their search engine and the sorting functions. Sure isn't the same as it was several years ago!
Can anyone shed some light on how much money this is going to cost me?

None, I'd think. They're refunding (pro-rated) feels paid to be a Business Prime Duo member.

I got "the flip side" email, inviting me to become a Business Prime Duo member at no charge. I'll pass, thanks.
Never heard of Business Prime Duo but I just restarted my Prime membership, after dumping Amazon for over a year and a half. I'd place an order to be delivered on Tuesday and they never failed to try and deliver early on a Sunday. I don't open on Sundays and I don't know how many times I had to tell them that before I decided to cancel.

So I renewed Friday, placed an order for delivery on Saturday....... and, of course, they failed to show up. So I got a text saying sorry for the delay but we will deliver Sunday.... of course!!!

So I opened the shop on Sunday around 7:30 am and waited until sometime around 2 pm. No delivery, then I get a text saying that they attempted delivery -- business closed -- that was a BIG FAT lie and I'm disgusted enough with Amazon to cancel before the initial 30 days are up. Sunday's debacle is on the USPS, because their drivers are lazy. I know complaining to USPS won't do me any good but I'm going to anyway.

When I complained to Amazon about their $hitty service, the message went to the seller, who was not at fault at all. I'm not sticking around for their new plan...... sounds like a trap, to me. :P
Also not very fond of their search engine and the sorting functions. Sure isn't the same as it was several years ago!
I'm with you on this one. It doesn't matter how you attempt to sort their pages of everything but what you're looking for, it's still hard to find your target item. It's like they're forcing you to check everything else out first.
Right. I never signed up to be a "duo" member, I don't even know what that is. I've been a "Prime" member for several years, though. I suspect they sneakily "upgraded" me to a higher cost tier and I just never noticed. Now, they are "refunding" me part of that extra cost - probably because they got caught in their sneaky upgrade process and this was part of the settlement....admitting no fault of course.
I was shocked when I received my first Sunday delivery from Amazon, and doubly shocked months later when another came and it was USPS doing the delivery.

I'm sorry, but I'm just fine with, "Monday through Friday, during business hours, and Saturday before 2."

If you (the generic you) can't plan your needs for most of what comes from Amazon such that waiting for "the next business day, at earliest" won't work that should be your problem. Not everything has to be "on" 24/7/365. The world survived for a very long time when this was far from the norm.
... I'm just fine with, "Monday through Friday, during business hours, and Saturday before 2."
I'm fine with that, too. I'm open from 7 am to 4 pm M-F, then 7 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. I'm generally in the shop by 6 am and don't even leave until close to 6 pm. I rarely open on Sundays, unless I have a lot of work on the bench.

But I like having Sundays off and most times that's the day I schedule house calls for Quickbooks clients or software issues where the client can't make it to the shop or carry a heavy CPU. Most older folks still use desktops in this area but they are typically older units and too heavy so I go to them. I work a lot of hours but I really love what I do. I just don't like to go to the shop on Sundays to wait for deliveries.

BTW, I could have waited for Monday or Tuesday but, they gave me the option of Saturday so I went for it. Then, they delayed it to Sunday. Next time, I'll just go for a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday delivery. My regular mailman always delivers my packages early. He adjusts his route, to do that, and I appreciate him very much. Not so much the other postal workers who think they can deliver after 5 or 6 pm and expect me to be there.
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