Your Vote for the Worst Laptop Ever Made

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Yes, it should be said many Dells suffer from the same problem, because they are cursed with the same nVidia lemon, and yet I don't see as many of them. My only explanation is that the Dells, more or less, have a somewhat better thermal design or their BIOS'es are more aggressive on fan throttling.
With the nVidia issues, it's all heat dissapation. The Dells have a much better design thus cooling the entire system including the GPU much more efficiently than the DV series. IMO the mere location of the GPU on the DVs is a huge design flaw.

I use a 9700 and the only issue ive had is the lcd cable. It's funny cause I assumed it was the GPU and ordered a mobo. Turned out it was the LCD cable and had an extra mobo (for a few days)! Even funnier was that this was a customers laptop that violated the TOS aggreement and now I have a pretty kick a$$ far.

Non-paying customers aren't always so bad....:D

IMO it would be any Gateway laptop. For some reason I ALWAYS have issues with drivers. And getting gateway specific (or even hw chip specific) drivers as many of you probaly already know, are always challenging to get ahold of.

If anyone out there has a monsterous cache of your huckleberry!!
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Macintosh Powerbook 150, I've always had a specific hatred in my heart for them:

LOL! Was it the fourteen million screws or replacing all those table legs from setting it down? ;)

I would also like to add the thinkpad TS series.... Horrible curses on those...
LOL! Was it the fourteen million screws or replacing all those table legs from setting it down? ;)

I would also like to add the thinkpad TS series.... Horrible curses on those...
So long as the pic is accurate, the very fact that your laptop has a trackball automatically discludes it from "The worst laptop ever made", at least in my book. That laptop has a good excuse for having serious problems ;) It's a fossil.