Custom WinPE I Made - "ODS 64 Offline Device Servicing" 8.1

NviGate Systems

Well-Known Member
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So a quick question...

I have a custom WinPE I made a few years ago. I made it using a toolkit that is no longer available, but I've always found it to be reliable. I'd like to share it for members here. Any idea of an appropriate place to put it? (Like hosting wise) I do have a Gmail Workplace account, not sure but I might be able to link it to my storage for members here to access.

It is based on Windows 8.1, but that doesn't affect it's functionality. I do have both a 64 Bit and a 32 Bit, although I need to locate the 32 Bit.

It has a explorer extension that essentially nullifies any security on a NTFS drive, so even if files are locked behind NTFS Level security, this bypasses it. This also applies to files like hibernate and pagefile, which are useful at times to nuke them and force a rebuild etc.

While it's older, it's my go to whenever I need a simple interface. Some apps on it are old, but figured if there was interest I could upload it for others to try.

It does have some peculiar bugs. If you use it on a USB device, it will work, but sometimes it may complain that the signature is not verified. If that happens, it's not the PE but the boot files you are using. Oddly if you get that message, sometimes using UEFI fixes it. It will work with both BIOS and UEFI. The machine needs a minimum of 4GB of RAM. Back when I made my own boot drives, I used BCD Editor to apply the boot file to a USB drive, and manually copies the files for UEFI.
I'm just editing the filesystem to remove some tools as I embedded some of my paid tools and once I confirm that's good it will get uploaded.

I will also create some screenshots and list some of the tools it contains. Some apps can't be removed so just be mindful of the EULA if commercial use is not allowed.

I know the environment has .net and other libraries so most apps should run just fine.
Ok, I checked and everything is good to go. It's a bit large due to the amount of libraries that are packed, but you should be good. The only file included is just the boot.wim file. It works with UEFI but can be picky with BIOS booting and likes to complain of signature errors, but I know when I manually created my USB it didn't have the issue. Have fun!

Just as a quick reminder this is an old version of PE built on Windows 8.1 but will support booting relatively modern and even older systems. There are some free programs included, but be sure to review the license if you are using it commercially. As far as I am aware there are no commercial or paid software in this package, most is freeware or GPL/Open Source. If there are specific bugs, you will need to try and fix them yourself as the project behind this PE build is no longer active/available.


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