Drive not mounting

for her, Move her data back on
The client is male. The name of the computer/login is a Girls name.
they wouldnt have any more issues with using it between other boxes.
He has no issues using it between other boxes.
It fails to mount on this Linux install only. It mounts and works on everything else without issue.

I don't get where your seeing 3 partitions?
This is an external backup drive that sits on a shelf above the computer. It has only 1 partition. It shows in Windows 10, 7, Mint 18.1, Fedora 25 and OpenSuse (unknown version, but recent) as only 1 partition.
gParted shows it as 1 partition (apart from the 2mb blocks on either end)

I rang my client and asked if I could do some more investigation. He refused. He is too busy to worry about it and it is of no consequence that it wont mount on this box. He has since, 2 hours ago, moved it to the laptop with Mint 18.1 and it works fine.
He's happy with that.

Thanks for your help anyway, guys but the client is finished with it.
You're looking at the partitions found on the system hard drive, not the USB external.

Earlier asked him to post the results of the log when the drive was plugged in. That post lead me to believe thus.

So, If thats right then the correct info has not been posted and I guess this will be a dead subject.

Thanks for letting me know. :)
Earlier asked him to post the results of the log when the drive was plugged in. That post lead me to believe thus.

So, If thats right then the correct info has not been posted and I guess this will be a dead subject.

Thanks for letting me know. :)
I did post the result of the log when the drive was plugged in?
It is a dead subject because the client does not care that it wont mount on this particular install. It mounts on everything else as I stated so he declined any further investigation.
Thanks for your help anyway it was appreciated.
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