Hello and happy new year,
I have released a new version that brings some new features and fixes.
Here is the full change log:
- Ability to send the job log via email when using the user interface. Previously, this was possible only in command line mode. Select the option from the actions after job drop down menu.
- Included user's manual in the updater tool. On next update, user's manual will be downloadable with it.
- Now, when using Nirsoft tools stored within Fab's AutoBackup folder, the variable %AutoBackupRoot% (meaning Fab's AutoBackup's root folder) is used instead of %AutoBackupDrive% (meaning Fab's AutoBackup drive letter). This way, the program is always able to find them even if the path has changed.
- Changed the default timeout delay while copying a file from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. Also, the transferred size is monitored instead of the progress bar position. This avoids time out events on large files (several Giga Bytes) while they are in fact being copied.
- Some texts remained in white event when text branding was set up in the "[BRANDING]" section of "autobackup.ini" configuration file. This caused invisible labels in the job log window when the background color was set to white.
- The name of the file being copied comes back to the user interface even if it is small sized. This was designed to save processor resources while copying small files. Beside this, the program looked frozen while processing such files. This has finally low impact on global performance so, user experience has been preferred here.
- In the latest Windows 10, in "My documents", there are hidden symbolic links (like shortcuts but look and feel like real folders in Windows) to "My Pictures", "My Music" and "My Videos". Because of this, when using Fab's AutoBackup 6 Pro within a Windows PE like, these folders could get copied twice. For example, "My Pictures" is backed up using the usual "My pictures" item and another time with My documents item because of the "My Pictures" symbolic link in it. Now, Fab's AutoBackup 6 is designed to ignore anything that is under a path like "X:UsersProfileNameDocumentsMy music". There was the same issue for public documents and the symbolic links inside this folder.