Not off the top of my head but I'll have a scout around. I found this discussion at MSDN:
It could get messy:
"To access the contents of a library, you must use the Windows Shell API. Functions of the file-system API cannot be used to access library contents because libraries are not file-system objects. If your program uses a custom file browser that is based on the file-system API, it will not be able to browse libraries or access library content."
However it might not be so bad:
"The easiest way for a program to access library content is to use the Shell Library API. If you are working on a program that uses the file-system API, the Shell Library API can return the file-system folders of a library, which minimizes the change to your existing program code."
IShellLibrary *picturesLibrary;
hr = SHLoadLibraryFromKnownFolder(FOLDERID_PicturesLibrary,
// picturesLibrary now points to the user's picture library
IShellItemArray *pictureFolders;
hr = pslLibrary->GetFolders(LFF_FORCEFILESYSTEM, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pictureFolders));
// pictureFolders now contains an array of Shell items that
// represent the folders found in the user's pictures library