False negative Google review posted by local competitor employee

OH MY Gosh!!!! Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but just because they are on the internet or write a news letter doesn't make the opinion true or accurate....its simply one persons, or businesses, opinion.

I'm not a subscriber to Bright Local....never heard of the group until now....however one thing I do know about polls.....they can be bias based on who is being asked the questions and the demographic of where the poll is taken.
If I ask 100 20 years olds on a college campus a question they are going to say one thing. If I ask 100 55 year old's the same question at a AARP convention, I'm going to get a different set of answers. The problem with the chart was .....it didn't provide the supporting information on how the poll was conducted, age range and demographic....therefore.....I couldn't, in all fairness, buy into it....but you can if you want.

I'm not here to argue if someone believes in a chart or not.....the question here had to do with having found a negative review on a website about your business could be a problem. A lot of people offered excellent answers...and of course I'm the old timer here..., I've been self-employed for 30+ years.... and I didn't personally put a lot of concern into reviews on the internet....but clearly some of you do. I basically stated, If you are doing your job and offering a valued product or service, than one or two negative reviews won't have an impact on your business....and than I added..., In general..... , most people don't look at reviews until they have a problem with a business.....then they will spend hours trying to hurt you by filing out a bunch of bad reviews on several different websites. The bottom line here is people will still do business with businesses with negative reviews....and I used Disneyland as my example....not the best example I could have used....but I think I made my point.

My recommendation.....was to spend more time in building good business relationship by marketing directly for customer referrals and stop worrying about the possibility of a negative review somewhere out there on the internet.
We have done quite well with google reviews and free index (UK Business Site) reviews. We use repair shop R and automate an email a few days after a machine has been collected asking if the customer is happy with everything and if not to contact us, if they are happy to write a review to help future prospective customers with a link to a web page with instructions. http://www.northwestpcdoctors.co.uk/write-review/

We have also in the past given cards out with an offer of an 8gb pen drive (We pay £2.38 Each for) if the customer leaves a review on one of the sites.

I try to respond to all reviews either positive or negative to show potential customers that we are interested in getting the job right.

So far we have done pretty well from this approach