On the totally NOT funny side is that I have been accused of pedophilia simply because I stopped at a park to place a Pokemon in a gym, spin a couple of photo discs and catch a half dozen Pokemon around the gym.
I was there for 10 mins when I was approached by a couple who instantly and without any inquiry as to why I was there, started yelling "pedo."
I was shocked, embarrassed beyond belief and so upset I couldn't stop shaking.
So it seems that every older male who goes to a park is instantly a pervert.
Pokemon Go Worldwide Facebook page and the local PG Adelaide page is full of similar stories.
I Pokemon after midnight now, and the only people who ask "is everything ok?" are the police on there patrols. When I respond "I'm Pokemoning" they say good luck and drive on. Some of them Pokemon themselves and we chat about the various aspects of Pokemon. They know me now and leave me alone for the most part.