Is "Pareto Logic - Driver Cure" Legit?


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Michigan, USA.
Hi all,

I have a client that bought and downloaded Pareto Logic Driver Cure. They now have come to me to fix their computer.

Has anyone ever heard of this company and program and is it legit?
The few reviews i have seen, one on cnet and one on yahoo answers, are not good.

I tell you what though... this company or whatever is marketing their product heavily. A search for it results in many links mostly from sites or torrents that i have never heard of before.

It's very suspicious.
Yes it is a legit company its run out of British Columbia Canada they sell mostly xoftspy a well known anti-malware program, its pretty good ranks up there with malwarebytes but is pay only.

Its a program like driver magician ect. although i have heard this program can cause problems at times by replacing a driver and messing up during the installation but it does have it's own set of restore points.
Well, i just uninstalled the product, downloaded and installed the correct driver from the motherboard manufacture's website. All fixed!

I guess the buyer is going to try to get his money back - good luck.
I've never heard of such a thing. Never install something you don't trust!
Never use any software solution if a manual fix is just as easy, even if it does require a little more thought and application on your part. You'll never improve your skills and knowledge by using third-party 'one size fits all' software, even when they do apparently work - which most often they don't.
"Never use any software solution if a manual fix is just as easy, "

I'm just curious, where do you draw the line?
There are driver utilities that are legit and backup all of the drivers for a given system and allow you to restore all of the drivers for that same type of system. To me that saves me time...and time is $.

I'm glad I found this post because I too have a customer that has this appliction "DriverCure" but in this case....the customer didn't 'knowingly' load the application. When I try to close the application it's as much as pain as some malware.

I just thought it was funny someone would say "Never use any software solution if a manual fix is just as easy".
I could go through the registry and clean it and cost the customer 2 hours of time or I could use CCleaner and be done.
Again the question is where do you draw the line?
I could see if it's one line in a registry; say deleting an entry from the \run or \runonce.
I just thought it was funny someone would say "Never use any software solution if a manual fix is just as easy".
I could go through the registry and clean it and cost the customer 2 hours of time or I could use CCleaner and be done.

Well then doing that manually is not "just as easy".

If doing something takes 1 minute manually or 1 minute with a program then its "just as easy" to do it manually.
I just thought it was funny someone would say "Never use any software solution if a manual fix is just as easy".
I think it's funny when some n00b jerk opens up a 4 month old thread with a misquote.

If you read my entire post you would have seen that it refers to learning by experience, something which cannot be gleaned from using clean-up software.

It would been a lot easier for you to read the entire post and commented on it in context, but then where do you draw the line? :rolleyes:
was that necessary?

hey iptech, i see you're a "senior member" after less than a year on the site... must not take much. what's the point in posting just to run down another person. i think the jerk here is you. i just joined, hope this isn't another place where a few folks like you spend more time on negative rants than posting useful info...
Ok, can everyone please calm down... I've seen where this type of "discussion" goes and the really isn't any need for it.

@1moreredbull, we've had a huge influx of new people lately and some of the behavior is a bit annoying, hence iptech's post.

@iptech, Ok, so you call him a n00b, couldn't you have ended it there? Was there really any need to call him a jerk as well?
hey iptech, i see you're a "senior member" after less than a year on the site... must not take much. what's the point in posting just to run down another person. i think the jerk here is you. i just joined, hope this isn't another place where a few folks like you spend more time on negative rants than posting useful info...
Congratulations, with only two post you've reached the same dizzy heights of insult without so much as offering a scintilla of informed input.

Help yourself to a cookie from the jar.

@TimeCode - Guess why I don't bother with this site much thesedays? Oh, and welcome to last July! ;)
Whenever I research software or hardware I Google for <software> sucks and <software> problems and <software> complaints. One of these usually flushes out the dirt.

I tried this with drivercure and quickly came up with a lot of pretty strong complaints.

They also make Regcure which has some terrible reviews.

I would stay away.

I guess it's ok or not to use this program. However, I don't like it when it appears on my computer without having been wittingly downloaded by me. Anyone else have this experience? (it's possible that my kids were tricked into downloading it). Make me nervous about opening it; I just want to delete it, if possible.
It's the kind of program that would probably be bundled with other free downloads. It's ok to uninstall it. It will nag you but you can just remove it.