Moving to a smaller rack cabinet question


Well-Known Member
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Medfield, MA
Someone reached out to me about moving their mostly AV equipment (Amp, Bluray, Apple TV) and a patch panel and cable modem into a smaller sealed rack of some sort. The issue with the existing one is it is so tall it goes to the unfinished ceiling in their basement and they want to put in a ceiling. So the existing cabinet will no longer fit.

The existing equipment is probably taking up less than half the space in the current cabinet.

It seems simple enough to replace the cabinet with a smaller one, but as this isn't really my forte, I was wondering if there is something I may not be thinking of that could effect this change.
Will need to verify the cable runs to make sure you have enough cable pulled to make the change. Otherwise, it is pretty straight forward. Just make sure you document where everything is plugged into be for you pull anything.
Consider getting a half height rack on wheels. Absent that a quarter rack which will need to be wall mounted which has it's own considerations based on the wall type and how long of a service loop you have.