New Outlook


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Vancouver BC
Outlook 365 not working Win 11, in the control panel did an email test it passed, then I remembered Outlook does not support POP
Created a new profile instead of manual setup I used auto setup.
When I looked at the data file it was on OneDrive I knew that was not good, I imported her PST file, made it default, I could see the address book and calendar
It did not import Auto complete, I looked in Roaming/outlook did not see the file, will take another look.
I noticed in Apps there was Classic and New Outlook, New never used.
I was not parked in a good spot had to leave do the rest remotely.

I guess copy the IMAP file from onedrive to Documents then point to that file, if it will let me. I think the reason autocomplete is not working is because of onedrive, maybe not.
Not been doing much in Outlook lately, mainly hardware.

In hindsight, I should have deleted her pop account data would remain, then it would let me create another account same email Imap.

Can't believe M$ would deliberately break Outlook without any warning, she was panicking and did not have any business emails for days.
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Her email still worked on the phone or browser, so I remind clients of that when they panic over Outlook not working. Not the best but it will do.

Classic Outlook supports POP
New Outlook does not support POP but you might be able to view PST in the storage area of the settings now

Autocomplete is only available in classic Outlook. I have a video on YouTube how to get it back from another profile. New profiles don't have any autocomplete, that's why you have to use my trick in the video

You cannot point IMAP to use PST files, you can setup IMAP and open PST files. I don't recommend they live in OneDrive, it might corrupt.

If you're not in the Outlook space, you can refer them to me. I can pay a commission and I won't do anything but Outlook/365 work.
I was using classic email and it was not working I did a repair funny thing in control panel the test worked.
she paid another guy $350 he was supposed to come back but never did, dont know what he did. I assumed the reason was because of pop.
I was going to point it from onedrive to docs/outlook local once I copied it, tried this before would not let me.
Thats what I did - setup IMAP in new profile and open PST files

I actually watched that same video this afternoon on site I remember the rename trick done it many times I was using 365 thought it might be different as I don't think I saw file in roaming, will take another look it must be there.
Client had very bad Dementia so she won't notice but still want to make it right.

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Client had very bad Dementia
Very sad. I had a client in her early sixties develop fairly severe dementia pretty quickly. She was an attorney and worked from home mostly. A year or two before her diagnosis I was trying to show her how to do a few basic things in Word and she just couldn't comprehend what I was showing her.