If you force a loss of power 3x in a row during the boot up process it will get you to the start up repair menu where you can boot from windows installation media or access bios to turn off secure boot. This may be difficult for a fast laptop with a built in battery and an nvme ssd.
From there, to reset local account password and/or bypass a MS account:
You can boot from the Windows installation media and select "repair your computer", "troubleshoot","system image recovery", "select a recovery image","advanced","install a driver", "ok (for add drivers)", which will open an explorer menu. Then you navigate to the windows\system32 directory. Make sure you are on the actual boot drive as it will not be "C:". Locate the file "Magnify.exe" file and rename it to something else, like magnify1.exe. Then copy and rename cmd.exe to magnify.exe. Now reboot from the C drive and at the password screen, select the ease of access icon in the lower right of the screen, then select "magnifier", which will open a command prompt. Use the command prompt "net user username newpassword" to reset the password, or to bypass an MS account use "net user /add newusername password" and "net localgroup administrators newusername /add" to add a new local account. Now you are in.
Just remember at this point, magnifier is now broken and you may want to put thing back if you think the customer may need them.