Show us your Covid Hair

No change for me either -- Last time I went to a barber I was about 12 years old.

I just use an electric hair clipper every couple of weeks -- back and sides 9mm, top 30mm -- takes less than 10 mins to do.

Sadly, it's not the worst my hair has ever looked. Give it another two weeks. :D

I have a really nice beard trimmer with about 20 different attachments. I'm terrified of cutting my own hair, but I guess now is the best time to try it. Clients still see me from afar when picking up and dropping off computers. I guess if I ruin it, I'll just wear a hat. :p
I'm willing to bet that 90% of those users are now deaf or suffer from Tinnitus. :eek:

Most people really have no idea (nor do they believe) how exposure to noise over the long term degrades hearing.

After my time in graduate school for my degree in speech and language pathology, where the audiology folks are right along side us and we have to learn a lot about hearing, too, I started taking hearing protection much, much more seriously. I never use a lawn mower without earplugs in, for instance.

I can still remember going to local middle schools to do hearing screenings as part of my required clinical hours. Young boys (mostly, there was the occasional girl) under 15 years old were shocked and amazed when I would look at them and say, "You hunt, and hold your rifle on the {left or right} side, don't you?" They all had hearing loss in the higher frequencies in what's known as a "cookie bite" pattern. It's the telltale sign of having very loud noise, even very brief and separated by long periods between incidents loud noise, fed directly into the ear. And the longer it goes on the bigger that bite becomes. And once it's gone, you never get it back.
From the Youtube videos, they seem to do a credible job. I'm willing to bet that 90% of those users are now deaf or suffer from Tinnitus. :eek:
It's actually not a lot of noise at your head, just a little more than a regular hair clipper. I use a Shop-vac with it because it works better with a lot of suction, and I put that on the other side of a door to reduce the noise. I'm pretty protective of my hearing because it's still very good, which I attribute to a severe deficiency of loud rock & roll in my youth.