Show us your Covid Hair

loud rock & roll in my youth

I have tinnitus and since I was a sound engineer (the guy that sat behind the big mixing board) for a rock and roll band on tour in my youth I have to think that's a big contributing factor. Couldn't really wear hearing protection as it changed the volume disproportionally of sounds at different frequencies. I needed to hear what everyone else was hearing. Unfortunately I'd hear it seven nights a week.
Alana, I see you have been a member for very along time and have made many posts but I am unable to find your introduction post. Are you a computer repair professional or do you run a computer repair business?

@Kraken needs to know. :)
I've got that Sir Richard Branson look going. Now if I could only get a bit of his money going also - heh. (Although it's been a very rough year for him....)
Well actually Larry yours looks very distinguished.

At first I was worried that if I get mine cut sometime soon I will lose all my strength and Delilah will cause me more grief. Actually I think I'm going for the Einstein look.
Alana, I see you have been a member for very along time and have made many posts but I am unable to find your introduction post. Are you a computer repair professional or do you run a computer repair business?

@Kraken needs to know. :)

Thanks for the tag Larry. Alana was a member here before we started doing the proper introduction questions.

All checked out

Normal hair cut is buzzed. hair was suppose to have been cut the week I went into isolation back in March. I usually get it done every 4 weeks... going on 3 months. I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in Cast Away. The bear is new too. I figured Id I'm going to look like ****, I might as well add the beard with it too. From the look of the photo, hair is not that long, but it is for me.20200603_135044 (1).jpg