Snappy Driver Installer

...and as mentioned before, I pay for the software I use and would hate to see SDI slip into disrepair - please include a PayPal button that can be punched (repeatedly - heh).
I for one am done supporting this project with Patreon. I joined up and quit supporting him the first time the drama let loose and once again started supporting him a month or two ago only to have him quit again. Give me a real business model with invoices and I'll gladly subscribe if the price is right. Otherwise I'll pass on this. I love the tool but I want a sound business model to base my actions on. Not a part time hobby.
As @nlinecomputers said. We really need a tool thats not going to be part time or I would say, sporadic. Not saying it is that yet, but it may be in the future. Who's to know? I think my concern at the moment is that with each update, it's 7GB or more. I am curious to know just exactly what possible changes can occur to warrant that many gigabytes of updates? If I had to guess, I would guess it doesn't. Instead, in order to replace or update just one driver in a particular - lets say 2GB - pack, you'd need to update the entire 2GB pack instead of just one file - or so! That to me does't seem logical and maybe there should be a way to just update THAT ONE file that's only like 1mb. I don't know, just my 2 cents.
As @nlinecomputers said. We really need a tool thats not going to be part time or I would say, sporadic. Not saying it is that yet, but it may be in the future. Who's to know? I think my concern at the moment is that with each update, it's 7GB or more. I am curious to know just exactly what possible changes can occur to warrant that many gigabytes of updates? If I had to guess, I would guess it doesn't. Instead, in order to replace or update just one driver in a particular - lets say 2GB - pack, you'd need to update the entire 2GB pack instead of just one file - or so! That to me does't seem logical and maybe there should be a way to just update THAT ONE file that's only like 1mb. I don't know, just my 2 cents.
That's pretty much how I've always looked at it. It isn't "REALLY" and update if you MUST download the ENTIRE PACKAGE again, is it?

Imagine what anyone who runs Windows would do it the "update" model worked like that? You would be downloading a complete O/S again and again to get the updated version of it.

Oh wait.....that's already happened!

Good ol' Micky$oft

And with all of the fixes and fixes to the fixes.........
Looks like there is a new version? I downloaded R513 from the website and when i download the indexes it offers me R524 ?
Ok slightly worrying...i just clicked the option within SDI to update to R524 and Sophos has now kicked in detecting SDI_R524.exe as Mal/EncPk-AAK

Anyone else seen this?
@BadPointer From time to time, some driver packs are getting removed from your selection and have to be manually removed. For instance, a full SDI would be, at this time, 10.7GB, but mine was 13.2GB due to the following packages:

I'd like to suggest a feature that removes these old driver packs.
I think something's wrong with the lastest versions of snappy drivers.
Starting from, the application no longers displays any updates, nor on SDI or on driver packs.

The 541 version worked fine, then the updates didn't work anymore.

Someone please confirm.
I think something's wrong with the lastest versions of snappy drivers.
Starting from, the application no longers displays any updates, nor on SDI or on driver packs.

The 541 version worked fine, then the updates didn't work anymore.

Someone please confirm.
For your information, SDI has been through some interesting times recently and there are now two varieties. The one you have is known to be unsafe. The one you want is here:
Thank you so much guys.

In other words, DPS took over the original project and Glenn made a fork and created Snappy Drivers installer Origin (congratulations Glenn).
I'd like to ask, is BadPointer still included in this project, SDI Origin?
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