What's in a Name?

Thank you for your kind words and I hope I haven't offended you in any way. ;-)

If I was scared of being offended, I wouldn't have opened this up for discussion.

Maybe I could create a memorable experience for the client by donning latex gloves before I conduct "surgery" on the PC. J/K, of course. :D

Awesome Hummer, btw!
I have had to touch some nasty computers- gloves would have been wonderful and appropriate!
My last name is Rost so I just decided to name my business "Rost Computer Services". I did this because:

1. I am not that creative when it comes to thinking up names.

2. I thought that customers might think "this person must be confident in his skills if he is willing to put his name behind his product/service".

3. My last name isn't really common and I thought that there would be little conflict when I went to register my business name (there was no conflict).

I don't know if my reasoning for the second point is really true or not. I don't really regret my name choice. As long as the name you choose isn't too strange or bizarre, I don't really think it should matter in the end.
I heard Robert Stephens speak at a customer service convention a few years ago. He started out as a local, one man shop just like most of the folks here. Looking to differentiate himself from the competition, he created the Geek Squad brand. IIRC, he started out with an old 1950's car and painted it with the now familiar black & white color scheme with the shield. This, along with the attire (white shirt, tie, black pants) and the police badge created a buzz about his company and contributed to its growth. He grew Geek Squad into a sizable company before Best Buy took notice and offered to purchase it.

Oh right. I stand corrected.

That's much more impressive then.
I think PCologist is a nice distinct catchy name.

From a business person's point of view, when I read your tag line

- "specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of your personal computer"

It clicks in my head that "ok, he just does home pcs" which is fine if that's all that you ever wanted to do.

I read that you're starting out on doing just residential for now which is great, but some / most of these home users have jobs and are your future word of mouth referral points to their places of business.

Just something to think about.
I like PCologist although I would grab that hyphen. It was easy to remember and I went and checked out your site.

I would like to get an idea of how people feel about ours while we're at it. I'm not tied to it except the domain either.
Ours is Geeks in Sneaks. What do you all think?
I'm with the guys that think it sounds medical bordering on gynocogical. There is an unpleasant connotation with it in my mind.

Computerologist is much better but I'm guessing those domains are taken.
I like PCologist although I would grab that hyphen. It was easy to remember and I went and checked out your site.

I would like to get an idea of how people feel about ours while we're at it. I'm not tied to it except the domain either.
Ours is Geeks in Sneaks. What do you all think?

I thought about the hyphen after it was suggested earlier in this thread. My site! Ha! Don't you love what I've done with it? :D After loading Wordpress and a theme I gave up on doing anything with it till I finalize the name.

Geeks in Sneaks.....I love the way it sounds. It is memorable. A lot you could do with it with marketing and such. But, I hope folks wouldn't make a mental connection with you and that other geek company.
What I've learned from this thread:

The PCologist is possibly memorable. Good.

Some people make a negative medical association with it. Not so good.

I might alienate prospective business clients with the name/slogan. BAD.

Purchasing a domain before you are 100% committed to a name isn't a great idea.

It's funny....I'll probably struggle with the name more than any other aspect of my business. Just about everything else I can find answers for using Google. :)

I've set myself a deadline of the end of this weekend. A final decision will be made by then. A big THANK YOU goes out to everyone that's posted in this thread. You all are awesome!

I think you summed it up well. However, purchasing a domain name if you are thinking of a name that matches is not a bad idea. If anything it protects your ideas for a year. And, for under $10, it's not expensive. Also, if you have some good name ideas, you may be able to "flip" the domains at cost or even a slight profit down the road.

I own a couple of other tech related domain names for some ideas I have down the road. Even though I can't implement them now, I bought the names when they came available so that when I have the time and ability to implement my ideas, I have already secured the internet name. For the time being, I have those 2 names pointing to my primary domain name.
Thanks PCologist! I have been needing some outside input on that. My wife loves it though so that would be that but with the name of what I want to name my business I'm tending to overthink it.

We also own quite a few tech related domains as well as some others. I can't see it as a waste of money because one day I may use it or sell it.
What I've learned from this thread:

It's funny....I'll probably struggle with the name more than any other aspect of my business. Just about everything else I can find answers for using Google. :)

Yes but remember that Google is an important tool when helping you choose a name.

I struggled with a business name too. I kept a list of business name ideas in an excel spreadsheet for 3 years. When it came time to incorporate I found that I had too many names to decide on since it had grown to a list of 198 names.

I think you are wise to be putting so much time and effort into choosing a name. Naming things properly is well worth it in the long run.

Eventually I had to come up with a strategy to choose a name. So I assigned each name a score. The score was a weighted average of my "1-5 rating" of each prospective name in several categories I defined. Then I printed out a top 20 list and got input from my family and friends. Almost all of them chose BigFrog Computing, especially the ladies so that's what I ended up going with. :) It was #6 on my list.

I rated names as 1 - excellent, 2 - great, 3 - good, 4 - fair, 5 - poor.
And here are my categories I rated each in. This is just what I used. You could create and weight your own set.

weight - category

15 - Easy to say
12 - How much do you like the name?
10 - Prospective website names are available
10 - Google keyword competition
10 - Yellowpages keyword competition
10 - Generic enough to cover changing target markets
8 - Instills customer confidence
8 - Logo and motto potential
8 - Name is approachable
5 - Original and unique
2 - Catchy, has a ring to it
2 - Branding potential

It's a pretty crude, subjective approach, and I probably screwed up the math somewhere, but it really helped by forcing me to evaluate many different aspects of each name.
in a semi-competitive market and for means of being able to brand and promote your business i believe the name is one of the most important things about a pc repair business and for that matter any company.

My Repair Company is also a marketing//consulting//graphic design shop. We are a one stop for any and all small businesses in our area and we heavily dominate our area for our expertise and services.

That being said we need a commercial name, yet one that caters to more casual, residential areas.

TechKnowVision: Is our design side of things, implying our know how of technology and Vision for the marketing, consulting, and design.

TechKnowButler: Defines our repair side, Your TechKNOWButler, allows for multi branding, and were youre personal butler for all "tech" stuff.

Our business supports so many solutions, and we believe in selling customer support, so our name is a crucial part of our infrastructure we use it everywhere applicable.
Being a hippie child of the 60's coupled with most laypeoples' adversarial relationship with their pc's I decided on Peaceful PC and the slogan "we bring peace to you and your pc" Corny yes, but I wanted to be different from the typical techie thing. :)


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Being a hippie child of the 60's coupled with most laypeoples' adversarial relationship with their pc's I decided on Peaceful PC and the slogan "we bring peace to you and your pc" Corny yes, but I wanted to be different from the typical techie thing. :)

I like it! I like the logo too.
Comments on the name and slogan

I decided to go with DangIT Computer Solutions - Restoring that new computer feeling.

I appreciate you taking the time to review and offer feedback.


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Like it but

I like PCologist although I would grab that hyphen. It was easy to remember and I went and checked out your site.

I would like to get an idea of how people feel about ours while we're at it. I'm not tied to it except the domain either.
Ours is Geeks in Sneaks. What do you all think?

I like Geeks in Sneaks but why not sneakers? Geeks in Sneakers! I saw another site called Geeks in Khakis or something like that.