Well I'm afraid I might know why my business has slowed to a crawl the last month...Staples is really ramping up their advertising for the pc repairs. I went in there today to buy some blank DVD's and there was a big sign at the doors "Free PC Tuneup!" then right inside the door, a HUGE banner, "WE FIX COMPUTERS!!". All over the store were ads for their repair services. Then I saw the pre-release of this weekends Staples ad and the 2nd to last page is a full page ad saying "We Fix Computers".
This is a very small town and there is only so much computer repair needed and I'm afraid Staples might be about to dominate. Everyone with a computer goes into Staples simply because it's the only place we have to buy stuff. My customers come in here and believe everything they are told by the salespeople. "I need a wireless N router, because my internet will be slow if I just buy the G." "I need to buy the 1.5T external hard drive because I've got alot of stuff on my 80GB hard drive to back up!"
Ok enough of my rant.lol
When I was walking in there today I saw the tech had 5 laptops setup behind the counter. (he's got a very crappy place to work on them, it's right behind the check out counter?!) He was out on the floor helping customers and I was in the store for almost 30 minutes and he never once was back there working on computers. He had a pile of them too. I'm by no means blaming the tech, I'm sure he'd have rather been back there fixing machines but I just don't understand how they expect to be in the computer repair biz and have no techs working on machines, especially when customers can SEE that no one is working on repairs? Very weird.