Anyone know about EasyTech Staples pricing?

The big focus with them is their new Best Tech program the idea is to sell managed services and service blocks to businesses. Essentially they are looking to become a Geek Squad for businesses.

Retail wise one of the big things they push for when a customer buys a new pc is the set up. They hammer the customer on the fact they get rescue or restore cd's burned so if anything happens they can restore their system. Many times I was yelled at for talking the customer out of spending $149.99 if their computer shipped with the cd's from the vendor which in our case was only the Dell products. If that was the ONLY reason they were getting the set up done Yes, I did tell them that these machines ship with restore cd's from the factory. They have a big thing supposedly about ethics and "ethical company" what a bunch of twaddle. They like all other corporations are ethical until it gets in the way of making a buck.
It just amazes me that they charge so much money for such little service. What is even more amazing is that people actually pay for it. For that kind of money I would expect the world's best tech and a repair while you wait policy. I just don't understand how it can be so hard for small shops to get customers and the big boxes get em in droves and screw them all over. I know it's marketing, but come'on people... research prices and value before hiring a tech company.

This has always bugged me to. I have had customers strait call me after picking there computer up at BB/GS and want me ti give them a second opinion but don't want to pay me as much as BB/GS. So basically you are willing to pay BB/GS for not fixing your computer but you don't think I deserve as much money for actually fixing it.

Its really annoying when a bunch of minimum wage pizza techs are more valuable in the customers eyes then you are.
Its really annoying when a bunch of minimum wage pizza techs are more valuable in the customers eyes then you are.

That is true... Just because they over-paid for a sub-par service doesn't mean they get any of us for next to nothing! I have noticed that many people try to make their poor choices someone else's responsibility.
Even if you provide free tune up instructions there will be some people who don't know how to do it or are too lazy. I just think things like error checking drives, checking to make sure it's not getting full, defreg, running a virus scan and disc cleanup are so basic that the customer needs to learn how to do it themselves. I used to have people say "my computer is slow. I just want a tune up". If their computer is not infected, a lot of times it's just an older computer with a cluttered registry. Sometimes they have run registry cleaners and they're now seeing the adverse effects of registry cleaners. I tell them that they will probably get less than gratifying results from a tune up, and what they REALLY need is to reinstall Windows. Letting them do the "tune up" on their own helps confirm this. People who can't do a simple tune up usually have not clue how to reinstall either.