That's good news, thank you.
I think it's a bit over-complicated (for you), because the date/time format only needs to be consistently in the technician's locale – as the technician is likely to be the only person to see it – with no regard for the locale setting of the computer under test. Don't forget that the short date format may only have two digits for the year (worse, US English has an option for yy/MM/dd!), which could cause even more confusion if the machine's format isn't known. Personally, I'd be happy to see the present logfile date/time format (yyyy-mm-dd - hh:mm:ss) used throughout AutoBackup.
The reports (InstalledSoftwareList.htm, PrintersList.htm) are the ones that cause me most problems as they are most likely, for me, to be read on a different day to when they were saved or have multiple reports from the same machine.