Fab's AutoBackup 7 Pro - a must have tool for techs

The ability to add user accounts with Fabs when transferring from multiple accounts is quite useful. Only problem is that the default Max Password Age (maxpwage) setting results in the forcing of a password change on those new accounts (after about 42 days).

The weird thing is that adding a new local account using the Settings GUI or OOBE does not use that setting, and those accounts don't have password expiry. Is it possible for Fabs to replicate the account maxpwage setting when transferring and creating accounts?

Currently I need to execute the following command after Fabs creates new accounts, to prevent password expiry:
net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited
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Is it possible for Fabs to replicate the account maxpwage setting when transferring and creating accounts?

Currently I need to execute the following command after Fabs creates new accounts, to prevent password expiry:
net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited
That's a bit strange.
My user creation code already includes a flag that says that password will not expire.
I have just tested account creation (a single one) from Fab's and "Password never expires" box was already checked.
A thing that's sure is that I do not want to throw a "net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited" command in addition since this will have an impact on ALL user accounts on the machine and this is clearly not wanted on every computer.

Edit: it looks like on some machines, even if the UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD flag is used at account creation, Windows can just ignore it and password will finally expire 42 days later.
Toi address that, I would have to pass this instruction again after user account creation. Since it works fine on my machines, that's what I call a "blind fix".

Edit 2: I have added a piece of code that will change the password expiration attribute. It is called just after account creation. To make sure it works (and not be this finally that blind), I have disabled the first "UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD" flag setting occurence in my code and the "Password never expires" box was still checked when testing. Then I have re-enabled it so there is still original instruction and the second one if an expirating password is detected anyway.
If there are still issues like that in the future, then there might be some kind of active password policy on the machine, preventing Fab's from doing this.
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My user creation code already includes a flag that says that password will not expire.
Was that added at some point in the last few years? If so my experience with passwords expiring might be dated. I've been issuing the accounts maxpwage:unlimited command for a few years after customers reporting password expiry prior to that. I never got around to bringing it up until now.

The net user /add command also results in password expiry of 42 days, which is why I know about the accounts maxpwage command.
I have added a piece of code that will change the password expiration attribute.
Thanks for your efforts Fabs. No hurry for release but I'll try and test that in the next version.
Interesting - we have always just created the user account manually before restoring data with Fabs. We always have a break glass admin account, and we use the command line when logged in there to create the new user, assign them to the administrators group if desired, and set the pw to never expire. I should script that with prompts, but it's so simple, we just do it by hand. Finally, we reboot into the user account, and do the restore.
Interesting - we have always just created the user account manually before restoring data with Fabs. We always have a break glass admin account, and we use the command line when logged in there to create the new user, assign them to the administrators group if desired, and set the pw to never expire. I should script that with prompts, but it's so simple, we just do it by hand. Finally, we reboot into the user account, and do the restore.
If you are dealing with domain accounts, then you will still have to do this. This feature is designed to make local accounts.