Humor Section!

The mouse that roared ?

A few days ago I was up in the kitchen late at night and I caught something run across the floor. Great. Got a mouse in the house. So, The next day I bought a mouse trap and set it up with peanut butter on it. Normally when we get a mouse in the house it takes a day or less to catch them. Well, This mouse never touched the trap. Obviously, I am dealing with a particularly smart mouse. Never saw or heard this mouse again for several days. I have been pretty busy with work and let this go a day or two.

Then, I was sitting in the shop (basement) and I have these wall cabinets I built above my desk. Just in case, I had set some roach baits on top. I take in a lot of equipment and you never know. Best to be proactive on these kind of things. Well, I heard some noise above my cabinet over my desk. Then, This roach trap comes flying out from the top and lands on the floor. I just sat there and stared in missbelief. So, I took the trap and got on a chair and put it back. As I was putting it back I looked around - Nothing there. Then I sat down and got back to work. About 15 minutes later the same thing happened! Flung out from the top of the cabinet comes the roach trap again!

Evidently its either a SUPER ROACH or one extremely smart mouse !

So, I got a mouse trap and put peanut butter on it and put it up there instead. Last night, I heard the familiar "SNAP" from the mouse trap and I thought good I got him! So, This morning I positioned my chair and stood up on it and looked. The whole darn trap is gone! WTF??? Maybe this mouse just ate the whole darn thing? Maybe its some wild creature instead of a mouse????

Well, As I sit here I can hear some scratching around now. I think the trap did get him but he is still alive. Caught behind the cabinet and the wall. Now I have to remove the cabinet from the wall and who knows what this evil mouse will do? Did I get him just by the tail or backend?? Is he going to jump or fall out and attack and/or devour me??

We will see soon!mouse.jpeg
Well, As I sit here I can hear some scratching around now. I think the trap did get him but he is still alive. Caught behind the cabinet and the wall. Now I have to remove the cabinet from the wall and who knows what this evil mouse will do? Did I get him just by the tail or backend?? Is he going to jump or fall out and attack and/or devour me??

We will see soon!View attachment 9381

Wanna buy (another) cat? Meow!!!

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He "must" be a "microsoft" mouse, perhaps?
Oh and speaking of a mouse / mice.....

Abstract: Mouse Balls Available as FRU (Field Replacement Unit)

Mouse balls are now available as FRU. Therefore, if a mouse
fails to operate or should it perform erratically, it may need a
ball replacement. Because of the delicate nature of this
procedure, replacement of mouse balls should only be attempted by
properly trained personnel.

Before proceeding, determine the type of mouse balls by examining
the underside of the mouse. Domestic balls will be larger and
harder than foreign balls. Ball removal procedures differ
depending upon manufacturer of the mouse. Foreign balls can be
replaced using the pop-off method. Domestic balls are replaced
using the twist-off method. Mouse balls are not usually static
sensitive. However, excessive handling can result in sudden
discharge. Upon completion of ball replacement, the mouse may be
used immediately.

It is recommended that each replacer have a pair of spare balls
for maintaining optimum customer satisfaction. Any customer
missing his balls should suspect local personnel of removing
these necessary items.

To re-order, specify one of the following:

P/N 33f8462 - Domestic Mouse Balls
P/N 33f8461 - Foreign Mouse Balls

I don't know about you folks, but I used to use rubbing alcohol to clean my "mouse balls" and a sharp object (small screwdriver or pocket knife) to clean the rollers inside the mouse. Sure made a big difference in the way they performed afterwards.
Finally got him!
He was caught by his front left leg. I put him in a bucket and took him outside. Merciful arent I? Nope. I then got our cat. She played around with him and let him go. What? So, I guess 2 strikes and he goes free. He went limping off for some other predator.

That was the excitement for the week there. Kinda slow here at the shop :)

Extraction complete!
(My shortened 12 ga. makes such a mess in the shop - heh.)

The story - One year for the local night time boat parade a few of us neighbors got together and decorated a pontoon boat to look like an old-time rigged ship of the fleet complete with cannons. The cutout cannons were old shotguns inside using Dragons Breath shells but when fired broadside they were too narrow of a burst at first. So we cut off the shotguns and when the broadside fired it was truly a broadside of fire. Here's the shells we used - heehee!
