The mouse that roared ?
A few days ago I was up in the kitchen late at night and I caught something run across the floor. Great. Got a mouse in the house. So, The next day I bought a mouse trap and set it up with peanut butter on it. Normally when we get a mouse in the house it takes a day or less to catch them. Well, This mouse never touched the trap. Obviously, I am dealing with a particularly smart mouse. Never saw or heard this mouse again for several days. I have been pretty busy with work and let this go a day or two.
Then, I was sitting in the shop (basement) and I have these wall cabinets I built above my desk. Just in case, I had set some roach baits on top. I take in a lot of equipment and you never know. Best to be proactive on these kind of things. Well, I heard some noise above my cabinet over my desk. Then, This roach trap comes flying out from the top and lands on the floor. I just sat there and stared in missbelief. So, I took the trap and got on a chair and put it back. As I was putting it back I looked around - Nothing there. Then I sat down and got back to work. About 15 minutes later the same thing happened! Flung out from the top of the cabinet comes the roach trap again!
Evidently its either a SUPER ROACH or one extremely smart mouse !
So, I got a mouse trap and put peanut butter on it and put it up there instead. Last night, I heard the familiar "SNAP" from the mouse trap and I thought good I got him! So, This morning I positioned my chair and stood up on it and looked. The whole darn trap is gone! WTF??? Maybe this mouse just ate the whole darn thing? Maybe its some wild creature instead of a mouse????
Well, As I sit here I can hear some scratching around now. I think the trap did get him but he is still alive. Caught behind the cabinet and the wall. Now I have to remove the cabinet from the wall and who knows what this evil mouse will do? Did I get him just by the tail or backend?? Is he going to jump or fall out and attack and/or devour me??
We will see soon!